Good-morning fellow pursuers of strength. So recently I invested my time in a book entitled Hepburns Law, and it was an enjoyable investment. After reading it and looking through articles about the supposed grandfather of strength, I took his philosophies and put them into a linear program that I sure hope you enjoy aswell. This program divides into five phases and focuses only on compound lifts and movements as well as developing skill in some areas, so here we go.
Phase 1 (main lifts start from 65-70% of 1RM)
Monday-Box-jumps 4-5 sets of 5(ascending in height), Squats 3x6, Bench 3x6,Pull-ups pyramid to near failure, Dips pyramid to near failure, Handstands(against the wall) 4-5xMAX
Tuesday-Weightlifting practice, Deadlifts 3x6, Shoulder press 3x6, Push-ups 5-8xAMCRAP (As Many Clean Reps As Possible), Handstands 4-5xMAX.
Same movements for Thursday and Friday, Main lifts will add a set of 7, So 2x6 +1x7 until all lifts make it to 3x8, then add 10 pounds for lower body movements and 5 pounds for upper body movements. Dips and Pull-ups switch to 5-6xAMCRAP.
Saturday and Sunday rest.
Once you cannot go higher in weight for Phase 1, Test new sub-1RM,then switch to next phase.
Phase 2 (start at 75-80% of sub-1RM)
Everything the same in terms of exercises and times, Main lifts start at 5x3, every workout adding a set of 4, so the next workout would be 4x3 and 1x4, work up to 5x5. Then make same poundage progressions. Find sub 1RM. Box-jumps switch to 5-6x3
Phase 3 (start at 85-90% of sub-1RM)
Everything the same, Main lifts go to 8x2, adding a set of three until reaching 8x3, adding same poundage. Test sub-1RM at very end. Box-jumps go to 5-6x2
Phase 4 (start at 90-95% of sub-1RM)
All the same, Main lifts start with 5x1, adding one set until 10x1. Box-Jumps 6-8x1.
Phase 5 (70-75% of sub-1RM)
All the same, Main lifts start with 4x3, adding one set every workout till 10x3.
Box-jumps 5-6x3. Switch back and forth between Phase 4 and 5 for further gainzzz.
Now this program has the potential to span the course of over 2-3 years, so you better strap in. NONE OF YOUR REPS SHOULD BE SLOW. The weight you start with is crucial, pick a weight in the beginning that you can get up FAST for all your reps. Practice for weightlifting should be just with the bar for first 3-5 months,add weight only when technique is solid and ingrained.
All of these rep ranges and intensities are measured with the Poliquins chart, just for a little assurment. Hope you guys give it a try.