I’m not going to critique your program so if you think it’ll work - run it.
But if you want to target growth in certain muscles (medial and rear delts), train them more frequently. Hit side laterals and rear flyes every day you train.
I’m a fan of the PPL/UL split - not many people run it.
Yeah, that’s great if that’s what gets you. Don’t listen to me if it works. I respond to increased intensity with less total volume and more rest.
For example, I would never do standing calf raises followed by seated. If I couldn’t get the job done with 3-4 sets on standing after already stretching and pre fatiguing on hack squats, etc, I certainly won’t be benefiting from extra sets seated. It would just be a waste of time for me personally. Same with the ez curl followed by preacher.
I get that and I appreciate the thought process. But I’m happy with my body symitry other than legs and side delts. They are lagging and need to be brought up more as I grow, otherwise it’s all gonna be out of proportion.
So yeah, legs specifically and top of my arms need a bit more work.
Il keep hitting the gym, eating and sleeping and see how I get on.
Anyway with gear you can do pretty much whatever (to a point obviously)
But for calves I would advice you hit them 5x a week, like at the begging of each session, just one exercise with intensity
For delts yeah two sessions would be best…
Also junk volume not really… Last prog I was doing 130 sets without counting calves and abs and I grew as a natural so you can certainly push the enveloppe.
I would advise though to start on the lower volume side and increase only if you don’t see any results
I’ve got a six (skinny) pack, so that’s something haha
I had to get all the fat off me to have a clean starting point. Yes, I’m a fuckin rake right now, but give me 4 months. I know my training, diet, rest is on point. All I need is time.
5 x a week. Will they recover ok as il be hitting them M-F?
I’m not looking to blow up either, hence the low dose dry cycle.
I’ve done two workouts at the gym and free at home we have weighted vest I grabbed.
My calves are fucking sore lol.
I’ve been changing it up. Yesterday I did 75×2 60 kg on the leg press. Today I just did three sets of 45 with a 10 kg weight vest on With three sets of 10 tibiaalas raise inbetween.
I’m going to measure my legs on Monday when I report back in four or five weeks