For several months now I’ve been trying to fix my squat form. I’ve been lifting very light weight (under 100 lbs) and focusing on Overhead Squats. I have got to the point where I can keep lumbar curve, weight on heels, scapular retraction, etc etc until just above parallel, but I can’t seem to break that point without losing my lumbar curve.
I have been doing OHS and deadlifts with a few back squat and front squat workouts, everything at light weight (highest I’ve gone on DLs is 165, highest I’ve gone on back squats is 95). I am getting very frustrated because I know I am not incredibly strong or anything, but I am stronger than this. I am also worried because I am either going to compete in field at my Junior College in the Spring, or (hopefully) be a walk-on at UC Riverside.
I am currently sick and have some back pain, so I am laying off for a few days, and then I am going to find my maxes on some lifts. I would love to include deadlift and squat, but it’s looking like I won’t be able to because a lift that’s not below parallel just isn’t good enough. Does anyone have some advice to increase the flexibility I need for the bottom of my squat?
For several months now I’ve been trying to fix my squat form. I’ve been lifting very light weight (under 100 lbs) and focusing on Overhead Squats. I have got to the point where I can keep lumbar curve, weight on heels, scapular retraction, etc etc until just above parallel, but I can’t seem to break that point without losing my lumbar curve.
I have been doing OHS and deadlifts with a few back squat and front squat workouts, everything at light weight (highest I’ve gone on DLs is 165, highest I’ve gone on back squats is 95). I am getting very frustrated because I know I am not incredibly strong or anything, but I am stronger than this. I am also worried because I am either going to compete in field at my Junior College in the Spring, or (hopefully) be a walk-on at UC Riverside.
I am currently sick and have some back pain, so I am laying off for a few days, and then I am going to find my maxes on some lifts. I would love to include deadlift and squat, but it’s looking like I won’t be able to because a lift that’s not below parallel just isn’t good enough. Does anyone have some advice to increase the flexibility I need for the bottom of my squat?
Thanks very much,
Jacob Tsypkin.[/quote]
Hey Jacob its great to hear that there’s someone so close to my area. I’m a student at Riverside and at the moment at least until school officially starts you can use the Athletes gym in the Athletics building with no problems. The cool thing about that is our S&C coach Josh Everett is there all the time and he’s always more than helpful in terms of proper lifting and designing programs. He’s a huge O-lift guy and would probably not have a problem with helping out your situation. Good luck
I’m not in Riverside at the moment, I’m in Monterey. I’m hoping to go to Riverside in the Spring. I know Josh, he is a very nice guy. I just spoke to him yesterday and he hooked me up with the UCR Athletic Director.
Like I said, hopefully I’ll be at UCR in the Spring - man, college is great, I’m not even there yet and I’m making friends! Haha.