I started 531 (first week of October 2017) for 2 days a week right after finishing 3 months of Stronglifts (beginning of July until last week of September 2017).
This where my 1 RM right when I finish stronglifts:
Squat 321LBS
Overhead 145 LBS
Bench Press 228 LBS
Deadlift 350 LBS
This are my 1RM after 6 month of 531 (this week)
Squat 336 LBS
Overhead 159 LBS
Bench 227 LBS
Deadlift 360 LBS
This are my 1 RM Records
Squat 347 LBS
Overhead 163 LBS
Bench 230 LBS
Deadlift 371 LBS
Feels I have made little to no progress.
As a little side note, I dont know how much this affects my progess. When I was doing stronglifts, I could not add weight if by any chance I could not do 5 x 5. I would have to repeat with the same weight. However, in 531, that is not the case. For example if in the last AMRAP I need to do 4 for my PM, I could just do 2 and still increase weight in my next session. Also, because I train alone when I have to do AMRAP, I cannot push myself to the limit because of the risk of the weight falling on top of me. So I can only do until I feel comfortable.
Because I train BJJ 3 days a week. Basically is 3 days bjj and 2 days 531.
By the way what you said is the first thing that came to my mind. However, if the 2 days a week program is in the book, then I guess it should work? no?
If your BJJ sessions are anything like the ones I’ve experienced in the past (and that was only 2 days/week), you’re most likely not recovering adequately. Maybe play with your weekly lifting schedule to see if that helps. Eat and sleep more. Lol
There are a few things in your post that require some attention. Some have already been covered by others but I don’t think it hurts to visit them again.
I see you keep referencing your 1RM. Are you basing your percentages off a 1RM or a Training Max (90% or lower of your estimated or true 1RM)? You should be able to do your TM for 3-5 reps. If you are struggling during your work sets or PR sets my guess is your TM is too high. Perhaps reset it to 10% lower and start again. The longer you run 5/3/1 the more often you will need to reset your TM.
Although the PR sets are/should be challenging, you should never train to failure on them. A rep that includes technical breakdown should be your cue to cap the set. You should always leave a couple reps left in the tank for recovery purposes. That being said sometimes its fun to go for broke and see what you can really do (please realize that this is not necessary to get stronger though). The proper steps should be taken to ensure your safety (spotters, safety pins, etc.) someone already gave a couple suggestions in this regard as well. Use good judgement.
I wouldn’t say you have made little to no progress. You added nearly 30 lbs to your squat. Although it seems like you should have gotten stronger you need to take into account the martial arts training you are doing. Stress is cumulative, and jui jitsu is a taxing sport. If you need to stay in a weight class it could be a bit more complicated, but up your good quality food intake. If you feel you don’t recover well try making the 5/3/1 cycle into a 8 week cycle rather than 4 week and only do squat/bench one week then deadlift/press the next and up your assistance work. On this format you would not need to deload.
Review your technique on the lifts and see if there is any point that is really a weak one for you then address it with assistance work. Your deadlift seems to be lagging, but sometimes things just take a bit longer to get rolling.
I did a deload a finished 1 cycle. Here are my new 1RM:
Squat 347 LBS to 355 LBS
Overhead 163 LBS to 168 LBS
Bench 230 LBS to 237 LBS
Deadlift 371 LBS to 377 LBS
I did a deload a finished 1 cycle. Here are my new 1RM:
Squat 347 LBS to 355 LBS (7 x 287.5)
Overhead 163 LBS to 168 LBS (3 x 152.5)
Bench 230 LBS to 237 LBS (7 x 192.5)
Deadlift 371 LBS to 377 LBS (3 x 342.5)
I understood perfectly. If you can only do 2 reps at a weight that is supposed to be 85-95% of your TM (which itself should be 80-90% of your max) then your TM is clearly too high.
In other words, when I cant hit at least 3 reps in my AMRAP I need to deload 10% of a my Training Max? (I use Wendler Log app on iphone. I guess I would neet to deload 10% of my Working Weight).
Today I finish my 3rd week of a new cycle. Here are my RM
This are my 1RM after 7 month of 531 (this week)
Squat 366 LBS (332.5 x 3) Working Weight 349 LBS
Overhead 171 LBS (155 LBS x 3) Working Weight 165 LBS
Bench 220 LBS (220 LBS x 1. Honestly, I could have done 1 more but I was alone, an I did not want to risk pushing myself) Working Weight 232 LBS
Deadlift (I could not even do 1 in my last set with 352.5LB, dont know If I was having a bad day or what) Working Weight 371 LBS