Help with Lats!

can anyone suggest me some very good workout for Lats with the help of barbell and dumbell.i have been doing lat pull downs for 3 months which i think are not making much difference.need some exercise which can really workout my Lats.

Do an Article search for Lat training as it has been covered pretty extensively by the authors. Off the top of my head I would say Chinups/Pullups if you have the strength and equipment otherwise look into all kinds of rowing. One arm dumbell row, Bent over rows any such variations should work the back nicely.

shrugs,pull ups,cable pulldowns,rows
and yes there is an artical around here for a workout designed for your lats

You say you’ve been doing Lat Pulldowns for 3 months for your lats, does this mean JUST Lat Pulldowns? What’s the rest of your back routine look like, if you’ve been doing only Lat Pulldowns and expecting results than there’s your error.

What kind of variation of pulldowns have you been doing?

Personally, I find the only ones that actually hit my lats are close grip pulldowns.

Pullups & rows (various kinds) all work well too.

Depends which part of the lats you’re talking about buddy… the upper lats (teres major) makes up most of your V-taper. Assuming this is the muscle you want to improve on, wide-grip pull-ups and pull-downs are your best bet. Wide-grip rowing will also hit this area to some degree.

But if you were talking about back thickness, or your middle back (rhomboïds, middle and lower traps), you’re better off with seated cable rowing, and some rows.

The back is made of 4 muscle groups, make sure you train them all you DON’T want an unbalanced lower back.

[quote]superthrustjon wrote:
You say you’ve been doing Lat Pulldowns for 3 months for your lats, does this mean JUST Lat Pulldowns? What’s the rest of your back routine look like, if you’ve been doing only Lat Pulldowns and expecting results than there’s your error.[/quote]

yes…lat pulldowns was something which i do everyday.but for back i did single arm dumbbell rows and t-bar.i also did barbell rows.then occasionally i did arnold press and military press

[quote]mchron wrote:
Do an Article search for Lat training as it has been covered pretty extensively by the authors. Off the top of my head I would say Chinups/Pullups if you have the strength and equipment otherwise look into all kinds of rowing. One arm dumbell row, Bent over rows any such variations should work the back nicely.[/quote]

thanks .i am going to go through it

[quote]Kataklysm wrote:
Depends which part of the lats you’re talking about buddy… the upper lats (teres major) makes up most of your V-taper. Assuming this is the muscle you want to improve on, wide-grip pull-ups and pull-downs are your best bet. Wide-grip rowing will also hit this area to some degree.

But if you were talking about back thickness, or your middle back (rhomboïds, middle and lower traps), you’re better off with seated cable rowing, and some rows.

The back is made of 4 muscle groups, make sure you train them all you DON’T want an unbalanced lower back. [/quote]
yes upper lats is the area of concern here.

[quote]rsg wrote:
What kind of variation of pulldowns have you been doing?

Personally, I find the only ones that actually hit my lats are close grip pulldowns.

Pullups & rows (various kinds) all work well too.[/quote]
thanks …luckily i have the equipment ,so i am going to try the narrow grip…i did it but my hands were not parallel to each other like this…i had the close grip like chinups.i will try this way and see if it works out.

Superset chins with high rep curls, strict form. Eventually your bi’s will burn out forcing you to use your lats more.

I also suggest weighted chins, weighted chin drop sets, heavy rows, face pulls, etc.

for lat width, stretching helps a lot, if you do it right. Doing it right basically means feeling that deep stretch in your lats or back for the given amount of time.

After each session when you train your back stretch your lats for 2 minutes. It shouldn’t be too painful but you should be feeling it. If you don’t feel it at first, tweak your body a little till you feel it. If you do it right and often enough, you’ll probably see results soon.
Some pictures here, you can do it anyway you want;

going full range of motion on pulldowns(or pull ups) is also good.

good luck

thanks gabex…thanks theceka…i have go enough information and i am trying things out so i can stick to one later…i also read the article which was very knowledgeable

my exersizes are like this in this order

narrow grip pulldown like the picture up there a few posts
chest presses with the cables (like how you would do cable flys)
wide grip pulldowns
bench press
narrow rows
wide rows
pullover for tris
face pulls
then DB shrugs and done

the chest and the arm work indirectly works the back also doing it like that tends to help me stretch out the back after I work it each time.

seems to be working so far.

[quote]nichaaron wrote:
my exersizes are like this in this order

narrow grip pulldown like the picture up there a few posts
chest presses with the cables (like how you would do cable flys)
wide grip pulldowns
bench press
narrow rows
wide rows
pullover for tris
face pulls
then DB shrugs and done

the chest and the arm work indirectly works the back also doing it like that tends to help me stretch out the back after I work it each time.

seems to be working so far.

I hope thats not your full routine.