Hi. I’m sitting here and reading your book. There is so much new things here. But i think i understand the basic. But here is my question:
- Can I do joker sets and first set last (for example) on the same 6 weeks? I see there is many things i can do here. Do it seems like i understand? For example:
Week 1:
Day 1/ Bench 5/3/1 + jokes sets. Assistance work.
Day 2/ Squat 5/3/1 + joker sets. Assistance work.
Day 3/ press 5/3/1 + joker sets. Assistance work.
Day 4/ Dead 5/3/1 + jokes sets. Assistance work.
Week 2: Same as week 1.
Week 3: Same as week 1 and 2.
Week 4: Same as week 1,2 and 3 (But here i have to increase the weights.)
Week 5: and week 6 The same.
Week 7: deload: 50% of TM.
And then 6 new weeks: But here i can do first last set after 5/3/1? Can jokes sets also use when i’m doing a BBB template?
PS: Always go for a PR, but one the bad days i don’t need it? And on good days i can keep going after joker sets and do some 1 reps?
Yes, you can definitely do both jokers and fsl in the same six weeks, in fact its recommended. As for doing jokers and BBB, that isn’t the best idea, since you’re trying to work too many different goals in one 6 week block. You’re going for extra strength work (i.e. jokers) and extra hypertrophy work (i.e. BBB) at the same time which is too much. Focus on one goal or the other for the 6 week blocks and switch it up.
Also, as for going for a PR every day but not on bad days, basically this is an auto-regulation put in by JIm. You should go for a PR on your plus set, but if you’re having a bad day and know you won’t be able to hit one, as long as you get the required reps you can continue to the next week. That’s why the numbers are based off of a training max, so you have more room to still get your workout in on bad days.
For the joker sets, Jim recommends doing them on days you feel good only, but I personally do them like you said, always working up in sets of 5, 3 or 1 and doing more singles if I’m feeling good. However, on bad days I omit jokers.
[quote]m4_wright wrote:
Yes, you can definitely do both jokers and fsl in the same six weeks, in fact its recommended. As for doing jokers and BBB, that isn’t the best idea, since you’re trying to work too many different goals in one 6 week block. You’re going for extra strength work (i.e. jokers) and extra hypertrophy work (i.e. BBB) at the same time which is too much. Focus on one goal or the other for the 6 week blocks and switch it up.
Also, as for going for a PR every day but not on bad days, basically this is an auto-regulation put in by JIm. You should go for a PR on your plus set, but if you’re having a bad day and know you won’t be able to hit one, as long as you get the required reps you can continue to the next week. That’s why the numbers are based off of a training max, so you have more room to still get your workout in on bad days.
For the joker sets, Jim recommends doing them on days you feel good only, but I personally do them like you said, always working up in sets of 5, 3 or 1 and doing more singles if I’m feeling good. However, on bad days I omit jokers.[/quote]
Thanks. I see what you mean about BBB. But i can’t do joker sets and FSL on the same workout, but on different days?
And just to be sure - after the 6 weeks (and week 7 deload) i have to increase the weight/TM when I start on week 1 agen? just the same as week 4.
Just ask to be sure
I guess you could do FSL on opposite days if you really can’t do it in the same day, although I don’t see why not. You obviously won’t be able to get in as many reps as you could on FSL if you were fresh, but thats not the goal. The goal is to get AMRAP AFTER all your other work. Also, you can take a good 5-10 minutes rest before doing FSL so that you’re more fresh if need be. Why do you say you can’t do both in the same workout?
As for your other question, yes, you increase your training max for week 4 and again after the deload.
[quote]m4_wright wrote:
I guess you could do FSL on opposite days if you really can’t do it in the same day, although I don’t see why not. You obviously won’t be able to get in as many reps as you could on FSL if you were fresh, but thats not the goal. The goal is to get AMRAP AFTER all your other work. Also, you can take a good 5-10 minutes rest before doing FSL so that you’re more fresh if need be. Why do you say you can’t do both in the same workout?
As for your other question, yes, you increase your training max for week 4 and again after the deload. [/quote]
I’m just wondered if i could. (sry bad english…)
So on a good day i can do this:
Squat: 5/3/1 + joker sets + (5-10 min rest) So FSL.
Bad days:
Squat: 5/3/1 and FSL or just 5/3/1.
I mabye think to complicated now. But there is many things that I can combine here and I just want to be sure that I don’t combine the wrong method og the cycles. I know 5/3/1 and set a PR is the most important thing. But so many things that I can use after to make it more motivated and more powerful, but how i should set up this I’m don’t really sure about yet.
Sticking to 5/3/1 with FSL and Jokers is a good plan to start off with. You may not always be up for Jokers but FSL should be something you always shoot for with the 4-day template (1 lift per day). The FSL doesn’t have to be a rep PR, you can also do 3 to 5 sets of 5 to 8 reps. Pick one for 6 weeks, see how you feel and go from there.
Jim has “Joker” set programming further in the book and has specific percentages for 5’s week, 3’s, week and 1+ week, stick with those while you’re still getting use to the method.
A 5’s week, for example, could look like…
- warm-up & mobility
- warm-up sets
5, 5, 5+ work sets
Jokers (if you’re up for it)
FSL either PR set or 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps
- Upper Back work
- Bicep or Rotator Cuff work
- Core work
- Conditioning
- Stretch
You can use Jokers with BBB:
“Joker sets should always be in your training program.”
-Beyond 5/3/1
Don’t do jokers with BBB.
Thx ppl.
one more question: Should i start on 90 % of my 1 RM (Not my competition maks) or should i start lighter? (start easy, progress slow…)