Just joined this site I have been reading articles on here for quite some time. A little about me Im 30 5’9’’ 210 lb been strength training consistently for 3.5 years. My bench has been stuck for 2 years, the highest I have gotten it is 300x2 but usually sits at around 295-300x1( no I dont max out all the time maybe every 2-3 months).
Out of all the workouts that I have tried the only workout that yields noticeable strength increase is high frequency, low volume, low intensity workout. I was looking through my journal and saw that I messed around with a workout that went like this:
monday- 2x5 240 lb 80%
wed- 3x5 180 lb 60%
fri- 3x5 210 lb 70%
The following week I added 5 lb to each day
245 2x5
185 3x5
215 3x5
Before I started this workout I hit 235x9 all out, on the start of the 3rd week I tried 240 for a rep out set and did 10 reps and it wasn’t all out I had 11 in me and maybe even 12, I stopped this workout because I got sick or something I forget. My goal is to do at least 300x3, and I thinks its a conservative goal too … not too much to ask for? lol How can I use a workout like this to get there? I mean How should I set it up? is there any better way of doing this? or should I just do it the same way? High volume will burn out my CNS That I know for a fact and benching only once a week yields only marginal results. What do you think?