Help with Bench HF Low Volume/Intensity

Just joined this site I have been reading articles on here for quite some time. A little about me Im 30 5’9’’ 210 lb been strength training consistently for 3.5 years. My bench has been stuck for 2 years, the highest I have gotten it is 300x2 but usually sits at around 295-300x1( no I dont max out all the time maybe every 2-3 months).

Out of all the workouts that I have tried the only workout that yields noticeable strength increase is high frequency, low volume, low intensity workout. I was looking through my journal and saw that I messed around with a workout that went like this:

monday- 2x5 240 lb 80%
wed- 3x5 180 lb 60%
fri- 3x5 210 lb 70%

The following week I added 5 lb to each day

245 2x5
185 3x5
215 3x5

Before I started this workout I hit 235x9 all out, on the start of the 3rd week I tried 240 for a rep out set and did 10 reps and it wasn’t all out I had 11 in me and maybe even 12, I stopped this workout because I got sick or something I forget. My goal is to do at least 300x3, and I thinks its a conservative goal too … not too much to ask for? lol How can I use a workout like this to get there? I mean How should I set it up? is there any better way of doing this? or should I just do it the same way? High volume will burn out my CNS That I know for a fact and benching only once a week yields only marginal results. What do you think?

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If that is what you think works for you, go for it. You seem to know the workout you want to do, and buying in is part of the process. If you are asking what program to get you to 300x3, then that is a different question. But that is not what you asked. You seem to want to do the program you described.

Personally I was in a similar situation back in August. I had done 315x1, and 295x2, but couldn’t get 300x2. I started Wendler 5/3/1 at the beginning of September, and tonight for my 3+ week I hit 300x5. I would say that is good improvement.

[quote]Ecchastang wrote:
If that is what you think works for you, go for it. You seem to know the workout you want to do, and buying in is part of the process. If you are asking what program to get you to 300x3, then that is a different question. But that is not what you asked. You seem to want to do the program you described.

Personally I was in a similar situation back in August. I had done 315x1, and 295x2, but couldn’t get 300x2. I started Wendler 5/3/1 at the beginning of September, and tonight for my 3+ week I hit 300x5. I would say that is good improvement. [/quote]
That is a fantastic improvement! Did you gain weight since september?