Help On Body Type!

I’m not new to lifting but am new to the whole body type and in depth body building. I’ve been lifting on and off for about 2 years (football) but only started to get serious about 3 months ago. I used to be skinny/fat even though I would go through tough exercise in football each day. I was fat as a kid but once I got into sports around age 13-14 I lost it quickly and stayed around 14% body fat for the last 3 years or so and around 160.

Right now I am 5’10 and I weigh 145 pounds at about 10.5-11% body fat. (Ya I know I’m little ). I don’t think I look to thin and that my muscle looks fairly good on me since most people think I weigh in the 150’s. I was wondering what body type I was. I would say I’m kind of an ecto/meso on what I read but since I used to be fat and it took getting active to burn it off I’m not so sure.

I tend to gain muscle pretty easily and I can gain weight if my diet isn’t too good but at the same time I can lose weight pretty easily if I get strict on my diet. My waist is 31 inches and my wrists are about 6.8 inches if that helps any. Sorry for the long read and thanks for any help/ideas.

Aside from that I just started to read on bulking and what not and have a diet I started 3 days ago. My maintennance is like 2700 so I eat around 3500-3800 calories. I’m not to strict on my diet I eat pretty much anything and everything I have laying around my house.

You’re not new to lifting. That’s good. You recently learned about the Body type stuff. That is also good. Forget about them while you still can, and get back to your lifting.

I don’t think it really matters. Assuming you figure it out, I’ll tell you what you need to do depending on your body-type:

Ectomorph: Eat a lot and lift heavy.
Mesomorph: Eat a lot and lift heavy.
Endomorph: Eat a lot and lift heavy.

Good luck, brother.

The replies in this thread reassure me this board is still packed full of good advice (no sarcasm implied)

[quote]wokeuptiedup wrote:
I don’t think it really matters. Assuming you figure it out, I’ll tell you what you need to do depending on your body-type:

Ectomorph: Eat a lot and lift heavy.
Mesomorph: Eat a lot and lift heavy.
Endomorph: Eat a lot and lift heavy.

Good luck, brother.[/quote]

I would suggest that the mesomorph at least would not be able to eat as much to get a good physique. They put on fat quite easily and their first goal is usually to lose the fat.

[quote]Sxio wrote:
wokeuptiedup wrote:
I don’t think it really matters. Assuming you figure it out, I’ll tell you what you need to do depending on your body-type:

Ectomorph: Eat a lot and lift heavy.
Mesomorph: Eat a lot and lift heavy.
Endomorph: Eat a lot and lift heavy.

Good luck, brother.

I would suggest that the mesomorph at least would not be able to eat as much to get a good physique. They put on fat quite easily and their first goal is usually to lose the fat. [/quote]

i think that is endomorph