Help Getting Ripped w/ Program

I’ve searched for some programs but I couldn’t find anything I liked so I made my own. I’ve been lifting for about 6 months now. I’m 5’8 and I weigh 139lbs. My goals is to get ripped (and some strength). Here it is:

Monday - Chest and Back

Flat bench press
Flat dumbbell flyes
Wide grip hammer

Cable rows
Underhand Cable Pulldowns

Tueday �?? Legs

Standing calf raises
Leg extensions
Seated leg curl

Thursday - Triceps/Biceps

Dumbbell one arm triceps extension
Triceps pushdown �?? rope attachment

Barbell curls
Chin ups
Concentration curls

Saturday �?? Shoulders/Traps

Upright rows
Dumbbell shrugs
Dumbbell shoulder press
Front dumbbell raise

All exercises will be 3x8.

by ripped i hope u dont mean lose BF.

ur program doesnt seem to be stimulating enough. specially not ur leg workout.

maybe u should go with 3 workouts of 4x8 per body part.

for legs definatly add more workouts, cuz thats half your body right there. id go with 6x8 squats and the rest of legs 3x8 or 4x8 with a few other machines. you also forgot calves…

eat a shit load that gonna help you get big.
6 months in and ur weight id recomend about 3000 caleries, 140g protien, 300 carbs.
as you progess you will be able to consume more going for a total of 4000-5000 cals, 1.5-2gs protien per lbs, and 400-500 carbs. eat clean and eat alot watch the muscle grow.

5’8 139? If you aren’t ripped at that weight it means you have zero muscle mass man. Your routine won’t make you lose bodyfat, post your diet instead but christ you need more muscle.

Sounds like you should pack on size rather than cut. But yeah, you should post your diet if you want to get ripped.

The thing is I don’t want to get bigger (maybe to 145 but thats it)

Heres my diet (im in college):

1 cup of skim milk
1.5 cups of Kashi GoLean (red box)
2 fish oil capsules

1 South Beach diet high protein cereal bar
1 PB+J sandwich (natural PB, sugar free Jam, soft wheat bread)
1 banana (or orange or apple)

1 turkey sandwich (wheat breat, lettuce, tomatoes, turkey)

1 scoop of whey (24g of protein)
1/2 cup of oats
1 banana

4-6 oz chicken w/mixed vegetables
1 bowl of salad w/chicken or turkey

3/4 cup of fat free yogurt or low fat cottage cheese

I drank about 1 gallon of water. This is my diet for days that I workout. For days that I don’t, substitute the PWO shake with beef jerky and apple (or orange or peach). I’m afraid of eating too much and gaining too much weight. I feel like I’m not eating enough carbs to let my muscle grow. Any comments?