[quote]Go heavy fool wrote:
Here’s one tip. If you gain 10-15 lbs in 8 weeks, it won’t be all muscle. The most you will probably gain is 5 lbs and thats stretching it… the rest of that weight will be non muscular such as fat, water, etc… etc…
did you really gain 30lbs from doing push ups? C’mon man… maybe you hit a growth spurt. I shot up 35 lbs in a year and never touched a weight… puberty.
Both of these points are painfully true. Unless you swallow some 2 1/2 pound plates, at your age and energy output I doubt if you could even put on 15 pounds of fat in that time frame let alone muscle which is much harder to gain. Also, I am not calling you a liar, but you are are very mistaken.
I cannot fathom how anybody could gain 30 lean pounds from pushups, situps and 1 pair of dumbells without a downright biblical miracle.
The bit about eating more and more quality is good advice as is getting a routine going with some poundages behind it. 15 rep sets will work for a while coming from an untrained state, but you are going to have to move some heavier weight to keep growing.
Most of all though the quickest way to frustration and burnout is to set unattainable goals for yourself and 10-15 pounds lean in 8 weeks is not do-able. Face that now.