It’ll start about 11am and last till about 4pm. We have 60 lifters rocking up!
It’ll start about 11am and last till about 4pm. We have 60 lifters rocking up!
Anyone know how much it is to train with Keith Morgan at Crystal palace??
[quote]thenewmaradona wrote:
Anyone know how much it is to train with Keith Morgan at Crystal palace??[/quote]
I did some work experience with Keith about 18 months ago (which cost me nothing) and he said i could train at the gym if i wanted to. Now, i don’t know if that’s the case for everyone; there’s probably a fee for just using the gym generally.
Some advice from my very limited experience of being at Crystal Palace with keith: be humble! he’s coached olympic athletes for years, and comes across as grumpy (he’s actually a nice guy once he’s sized you up a bit) so if you are lucky enough to train there, keep your head down and do what you’re told.
hope that helps!
Yes thanks!
Yeah i got that grumpy, ‘checking me out’ vibe when i spoke to him on the phone! - Don’t mind that to be honest.
I should be going down there this week so will report back the experience!
[quote]tdubs wrote:
[quote]thenewmaradona wrote:
Anyone know how much it is to train with Keith Morgan at Crystal palace??[/quote]
I did some work experience with Keith about 18 months ago (which cost me nothing) and he said i could train at the gym if i wanted to. Now, i don’t know if that’s the case for everyone; there’s probably a fee for just using the gym generally.
Some advice from my very limited experience of being at Crystal Palace with keith: be humble! he’s coached olympic athletes for years, and comes across as grumpy (he’s actually a nice guy once he’s sized you up a bit) so if you are lucky enough to train there, keep your head down and do what you’re told.
hope that helps![/quote]
haha standard Keith! He’s like that at first as he’s very busy. Once you have shown your serious and want to train and get on it he will warm to you.
He’s a very good guy imo.
would it be a good idea doing some shoulder mobilty exercises before coming down if so what do you recommend
Just rock down mate. I’ll go over them with you
Stand tall, feet shoulder width apart
SLOWLY start to swing both arms backwards, have them brush your ears, make big circles.
After every 3-4 swings go a bit faster, do about 34-40swings in total. As you get more loose go faster and faster
This is the best exercise for shoulders imo for lifting.
You can rack a bar in the squat rack in a Clean position, move one shoulder up and one down. Repeat working and increasing your range.
Just rock down to the comp and next week.
Just back from training at Crystal palace with Keith and the guys!
Must say…QUALITY! Loved it! Going back tomorrow!
If you are serious, that place is the way forward! Keith seems like a real nice guy!
[quote]thenewmaradona wrote:
Just back from training at Crystal palace with Keith and the guys!
Must say…QUALITY! Loved it! Going back tomorrow!
If you are serious, that place is the way forward! Keith seems like a real nice guy!
Your a student I take it and hence the time to train mid day?
Glad you liked it! Keith comes highly recommended!
You are correct.
Ex-footballer now, started Uni and trying to progress as a strength coach. (Hence the desire to be spot on with Olympic lifts)
I was actually there from about 9.40am as i tend to train at 10am but Keith wasn’t around until about 11pm so i hung around.
I go to uni in guildford, so just a very quick, cheap train ride away from your gym Koing!
Ive been working out for a couple of years but Im pretty new to the olympic lifts, just trying to get form down and stuff at the moment. My clean and jerk is coming along nicely (well only done 70kg so far but I think I could go higher as that felt easy) but my snatch is quite far behind.
Thinking of looking into joining somewhere, Ive only ever seen one other person in my gym even do a clean so I sometimes feel a bit out of place with all the people doing endless amounts of bicep curls! Would love to be somewhere with a better atmosphere! Probably wouldn’t join until next september though (as thats when my current gym membership expires) but if there are any comps going on then I would be interested in coming along!
[quote]thenewmaradona wrote:
Just back from training at Crystal palace with Keith and the guys!
Must say…QUALITY! Loved it! Going back tomorrow!
If you are serious, that place is the way forward! Keith seems like a real nice guy!
Nice one. It’s a ‘proper’ gym, eh? Chalk dust and old school stuff everywhere… awesome. If I lived closer I’d train there for sure.
[quote]thenewmaradona wrote:
You are correct.
Ex-footballer now, started Uni and trying to progress as a strength coach. (Hence the desire to be spot on with Olympic lifts)
I was actually there from about 9.40am as i tend to train at 10am but Keith wasn’t around until about 11pm so i hung around.
I see mate. Your in good hands
[quote]The Ox Man wrote:
I go to uni in guildford, so just a very quick, cheap train ride away from your gym Koing!
Ive been working out for a couple of years but Im pretty new to the olympic lifts, just trying to get form down and stuff at the moment. My clean and jerk is coming along nicely (well only done 70kg so far but I think I could go higher as that felt easy) but my snatch is quite far behind.
Thinking of looking into joining somewhere, Ive only ever seen one other person in my gym even do a clean so I sometimes feel a bit out of place with all the people doing endless amounts of bicep curls! Would love to be somewhere with a better atmosphere! Probably wouldn’t join until next september though (as thats when my current gym membership expires) but if there are any comps going on then I would be interested in coming along!
There’s a club comp this Saturday, about 45-50+ lifters from around the south and London are coming to compete. I’m on referring duties that day…
For the sale of a few £ you can train at my club mate. You can drop the bars, the fees are reasonable to the point it’s irrelevant as it’s run for not profit.
£65 a year for non competitors
£35 for competitors that compete in 2 comps or help out at them (help setup, load, score board etc)
Then you pay the leisure centre £5 or so to use the facility. They do monthly plans etc also. That goes to the centre and not the club. We have exclusive use Mon, Wed 6pm onwards and I’ll train on Thurs 7pm and Saturday 11am onwards.
The sooner you start the sooner you can get on it. If you wait till september you lose out on 6-7months of solid training. A mate has ‘gotten’ a bit more serious for lifting after years of bb. He Snatched 50kg on his own with probably fairly bad form, a few hrs he got 63kg, monday his second session he got 67kg. Failed 70kg twice. Next Monday he’ll get 71kg imo. He has some talent and isn’t hugely strong but no flexibility issues to work on in his Snatch.
I gurantee you’ll struggle to Snatch bw without a coach so get on it man!
Up to you mate. People have to travel for miles to get to a gym and you have one 10mins by train if that! My coach doesn’t even charge £10-20 per session! He’s retired and loves the sport. Things don’t get better then this mate.
[quote]tdubs wrote:
[quote]thenewmaradona wrote:
Just back from training at Crystal palace with Keith and the guys!
Must say…QUALITY! Loved it! Going back tomorrow!
If you are serious, that place is the way forward! Keith seems like a real nice guy!
Nice one. It’s a ‘proper’ gym, eh? Chalk dust and old school stuff everywhere… awesome. If I lived closer I’d train there for sure.[/quote]
Yes, proper gym. One room with about 3 or 4 platforms, 1 rack, a few benches, the other room with 3 platforms and antoher room with a bunch of machines, pullups, dips stations etc for the general strength stuff he does with people.
[quote]Koing wrote:
[quote]thenewmaradona wrote:
You are correct.
Ex-footballer now, started Uni and trying to progress as a strength coach. (Hence the desire to be spot on with Olympic lifts)
I was actually there from about 9.40am as i tend to train at 10am but Keith wasn’t around until about 11pm so i hung around.
I see mate. Your in good hands
[quote]The Ox Man wrote:
I go to uni in guildford, so just a very quick, cheap train ride away from your gym Koing!
Ive been working out for a couple of years but Im pretty new to the olympic lifts, just trying to get form down and stuff at the moment. My clean and jerk is coming along nicely (well only done 70kg so far but I think I could go higher as that felt easy) but my snatch is quite far behind.
Thinking of looking into joining somewhere, Ive only ever seen one other person in my gym even do a clean so I sometimes feel a bit out of place with all the people doing endless amounts of bicep curls! Would love to be somewhere with a better atmosphere! Probably wouldn’t join until next september though (as thats when my current gym membership expires) but if there are any comps going on then I would be interested in coming along!
There’s a club comp this Saturday, about 45-50+ lifters from around the south and London are coming to compete. I’m on referring duties that day…
For the sale of a few Ã?£ you can train at my club mate. You can drop the bars, the fees are reasonable to the point it’s irrelevant as it’s run for not profit.
�£65 a year for non competitors
�£35 for competitors that compete in 2 comps or help out at them (help setup, load, score board etc)
Then you pay the leisure centre Ã?£5 or so to use the facility. They do monthly plans etc also. That goes to the centre and not the club. We have exclusive use Mon, Wed 6pm onwards and I’ll train on Thurs 7pm and Saturday 11am onwards.
The sooner you start the sooner you can get on it. If you wait till september you lose out on 6-7months of solid training. A mate has ‘gotten’ a bit more serious for lifting after years of bb. He Snatched 50kg on his own with probably fairly bad form, a few hrs he got 63kg, monday his second session he got 67kg. Failed 70kg twice. Next Monday he’ll get 71kg imo. He has some talent and isn’t hugely strong but no flexibility issues to work on in his Snatch.
I gurantee you’ll struggle to Snatch bw without a coach so get on it man!
Up to you mate. People have to travel for miles to get to a gym and you have one 10mins by train if that! My coach doesn’t even charge Ã?£10-20 per session! He’s retired and loves the sport. Things don’t get better then this mate.
Do what Koing says and get down there, even if you only manage once a week. Then you can do your squats etc at your usual gym. You’ll get some good coaching and if you’re lucky you’ll get to run away while Koing staggers around the room with 140kg overhead. A couple of hours a week will make a massive difference.
[quote]ninearms wrote:
[quote]Koing wrote:
[quote]thenewmaradona wrote:
You are correct.
Ex-footballer now, started Uni and trying to progress as a strength coach. (Hence the desire to be spot on with Olympic lifts)
I was actually there from about 9.40am as i tend to train at 10am but Keith wasn’t around until about 11pm so i hung around.
I see mate. Your in good hands
[quote]The Ox Man wrote:
I go to uni in guildford, so just a very quick, cheap train ride away from your gym Koing!
Ive been working out for a couple of years but Im pretty new to the olympic lifts, just trying to get form down and stuff at the moment. My clean and jerk is coming along nicely (well only done 70kg so far but I think I could go higher as that felt easy) but my snatch is quite far behind.
Thinking of looking into joining somewhere, Ive only ever seen one other person in my gym even do a clean so I sometimes feel a bit out of place with all the people doing endless amounts of bicep curls! Would love to be somewhere with a better atmosphere! Probably wouldn’t join until next september though (as thats when my current gym membership expires) but if there are any comps going on then I would be interested in coming along!
There’s a club comp this Saturday, about 45-50+ lifters from around the south and London are coming to compete. I’m on referring duties that day…
For the sale of a few Ã??Ã?£ you can train at my club mate. You can drop the bars, the fees are reasonable to the point it’s irrelevant as it’s run for not profit.
�?�£65 a year for non competitors
�?�£35 for competitors that compete in 2 comps or help out at them (help setup, load, score board etc)
Then you pay the leisure centre Ã??Ã?£5 or so to use the facility. They do monthly plans etc also. That goes to the centre and not the club. We have exclusive use Mon, Wed 6pm onwards and I’ll train on Thurs 7pm and Saturday 11am onwards.
The sooner you start the sooner you can get on it. If you wait till september you lose out on 6-7months of solid training. A mate has ‘gotten’ a bit more serious for lifting after years of bb. He Snatched 50kg on his own with probably fairly bad form, a few hrs he got 63kg, monday his second session he got 67kg. Failed 70kg twice. Next Monday he’ll get 71kg imo. He has some talent and isn’t hugely strong but no flexibility issues to work on in his Snatch.
I gurantee you’ll struggle to Snatch bw without a coach so get on it man!
Up to you mate. People have to travel for miles to get to a gym and you have one 10mins by train if that! My coach doesn’t even charge Ã??Ã?£10-20 per session! He’s retired and loves the sport. Things don’t get better then this mate.
Do what Koing says and get down there, even if you only manage once a week. Then you can do your squats etc at your usual gym. You’ll get some good coaching and if you’re lucky you’ll get to run away while Koing staggers around the room with 140kg overhead. A couple of hours a week will make a massive difference. [/quote]
lol it’s NOT staggering, it’s DANCING!
Thanks for the replies Koing and ninearms. You make a good point ninearms about frequency of training. The price is very cheap, I can see how coming just once a week would be a really great help then working out mainly at the gym closer. They do have a platform and bumper plates so I am able to practice the lifts there.
I just train at the uni gym and they are just about to open the new surrey sports park which should hopefully be pretty good with a bit more platforms + bumpers. The gym isn’t as bad as I made out, there are quite a few rugby players who come in and squat but most of the people there are clueless!
I will see if I can make it down for the comp this saturday to have a little look around! Does that start at 11 like your normal training on saturday? Do you have to pay to watch?
Need to get my hands on some lifting shoes too, currently in flats, I can hold a deep overhead squat alright and can squat snatch a light weight but I get a bit unstable as even a bit of weight goes on. Trying to stretch out my shoulders and chest regularly to loosen it up! I think with shoes I shouldn’t have too many flexibility problems though!
Edit: just ordered some shoes now
so was the comp u competed in nothing to do with you gym?
[quote]The Ox Man wrote:
Thanks for the replies Koing and ninearms. You make a good point ninearms about frequency of training. The price is very cheap, I can see how coming just once a week would be a really great help then working out mainly at the gym closer. They do have a platform and bumper plates so I am able to practice the lifts there.
I just train at the uni gym and they are just about to open the new surrey sports park which should hopefully be pretty good with a bit more platforms + bumpers. The gym isn’t as bad as I made out, there are quite a few rugby players who come in and squat but most of the people there are clueless!
I will see if I can make it down for the comp this saturday to have a little look around! Does that start at 11 like your normal training on saturday? Do you have to pay to watch?
Need to get my hands on some lifting shoes too, currently in flats, I can hold a deep overhead squat alright and can squat snatch a light weight but I get a bit unstable as even a bit of weight goes on. Trying to stretch out my shoulders and chest regularly to loosen it up! I think with shoes I shouldn’t have too many flexibility problems though!
Edit: just ordered some shoes now
Snatch stability comes with practice and flexibility.
The comp will start around 11am or so.
The shoes will help you out a lot in stability.
[quote]deep squat wrote:
so was the comp u competed in nothing to do with you gym?[/quote]
The comp I competed in at was Lilleshall.
The comp this Saturday is at my gym.