Heart Problems and Heavy Lifting

I was looking to see if any of you other guys have heart or health issues that sometimes give you trouble when lifting.

I come from a long line of heart disease in my family and last year had two episodes where it took a difibulator to get my heart ticking again…at the age of 29. Now I am on medications that at times cause sharp drops in my blood pressure making it diffcult to go “super heavy” for me at times. So far it’s just been more scary than serious when it happens.

Anyone else have blood pressure issues or anything of the sort? If so, how do you deal when it interferes with yur plans?

lose weight, eat better, get in better shape, and as your vitals and bloodwork improve, your doc will be able to cut back your medicine… if you are on beta blockers (im guessing based on the fact that you mention extreme lows in blood pressure) at 29, family history or not, the outlook is not good.

I had a client that when I first started training him he was taking quite a bit of blood pressure meds at the age of 37 (even though he was probably only 18-20% body fat). Certain exercises would make him dizzy. He leaned out, got in better shape, ate a better diet. He came off the medicine completely and felt a lot better after a year’s time and was able to train at a much higher intensity.