Have I Made Good Progress on This Program?

I’ve just come back off of 6 weeks doing this program. I’ve been doing it 3x a week (week 1 i’ve done A followed by B followed by A. Week 2 i’ve done B followed by A followed by B.

Workout A:

3 x 5 reps Smith Machine Squats
3 x 5 reps Incline Bench Press (Smith Machine/Dumbbell)
1 x 5 reps Deadlifts (Barbell)
2x 4-8 reps Assisted Dips
2x Hanging Leg Raises

Workout B:

3 x 5 reps Hack Squats (Barbell)
3 x 5 reps Presses (Normally Barbell Military Presses when standing; Smith Machine used when Seated/Dumbbells used occasionally when Seated)
3 x 5 reps Bent Over Row (Barbell Row used but Dumbbells used when sticking points occur)
2x 4-8 reps Lat Pulldown
2x Hanging Leg Raises

Waist shouldn’t be the greatest increase

Why are you doing squats in a Smith machine?

[quote]Evolv wrote:
Why are you doing squats in a Smith machine?[/quote]

Because i’ve fallen on Squats once and it put me off ever since. Plus my gym has no power rack.

My theory is that 2 wrongs DO make a right- Smith Machine Squats let me go heavy/put weight on my upper back and Hack Squats have free weight benefits.

Anyway,I do Zerchers now (different program)

How do you figure you didnt go up in bf% while the only “bodypart” which increased in size were your waist?

[quote]Drezc wrote:
How do you figure you didnt go up in bf% while the only “bodypart” which increased in size were your waist?[/quote]

because of deads&squat???
i’m just asking

[quote]buzza wrote:

[quote]Drezc wrote:
How do you figure you didnt go up in bf% while the only “bodypart” which increased in size were your waist?[/quote]

because of deads&squat???
i’m just asking[/quote]

Heavy Deadlifts/Barbell Rows/Hack & Smith Machine Squats. Not to mention my body stores fat around that area more.

I calculate my bodyfat here-it hasn’t changed. Sometimes if it’s iffy I add 2-3% since it can fluctuate by that much.


Do you have before and after pictures? Given that you are posting this in the bodybuilding forum, that would be the test to use. If you HONESTLY look bigger and better than before, then I’d say you made decent progress.

sincerly one of my m8s do a lot of deads and his waist is very thin but I hear many times from experienced bbers (also Levrone wrote this) that deads are no good for the waist, I did a lot of deads while ago and my waist did not become larger so…

Mike from Italy

[quote]A Ninny Mouse wrote:
Do you have before and after pictures? Given that you are posting this in the bodybuilding forum, that would be the test to use. If you HONESTLY look bigger and better than before, then I’d say you made decent progress.[/quote]

I’ll post a link to a thread in 3-4 weeks after finishing keto. Obviously 6 weeks won’t add a lot of muscle tissue-maybe 0.5-1 lb-I hear it’ll be mostly fluid for the muscle/glycogen.

Give me a couple weeks and after I carb up i’ll post before/after- that way I have a nice 3 month comparison

[quote]ronki23 wrote:

[quote]A Ninny Mouse wrote:
Do you have before and after pictures? Given that you are posting this in the bodybuilding forum, that would be the test to use. If you HONESTLY look bigger and better than before, then I’d say you made decent progress.[/quote]

I’ll post a link to a thread in 3-4 weeks after finishing keto. Obviously 6 weeks won’t add a lot of muscle tissue-maybe 0.5-1 lb-I hear it’ll be mostly fluid for the muscle/glycogen.

Give me a couple weeks and after I carb up i’ll post before/after- that way I have a nice 3 month comparison[/quote]

0.5-1lb after 6 weeks??? i must have the best genetics in the world then. If i only gained 1lb in 6 weeks id go crazy.

I was told that the bulk of the weight you add is fluid/water-I assume fluid is sarcoplasm and glycogen. When I mean 5-7lbs I mean 5-7lbs of that overall weight being muscle

I assume that the pure muscle you add is permanent/doesn’t burn off and I assume that if you add only pure fluid, you won’t look different when the fluid is gone.