Hello there,
I’m totally new here and signed up as finally need some advice.
Let me start with some background information:
I am 42y old and not really satisfied with the way I look.
Let me go back in time. As a kid I was always the small and skinny one. I started to develop quite late at the age of 17, from the small kid to the tallest (but still skinniest) kid around.
I was never into sports until I started working out at the age of 30. I had some typical beginner gains which brought me from 154lbs/72kg to a whooping 176lbs/80kg (yeah, I know…). At that time I was still believing I had to work out harder and tried a lot of different routines, while for sure not eating enough (it was quite clean however). I did a lot of sports at that time (running, biking etc.) which probably was not entirely helpful to put on mass as well. While being low on body fat and having quite some muscle tone I was obviously still super skinny.
At some point in time I started upping my calorie intake and ended up at 95kg/209lbs but I was not getting stronger and most of the gained mass was body fat. I lost most of it (with quite some muscle) when I had a very stressful time in life.
Additionally, at some point in time I started developing knee problems which turned out to be a ruptured meniscus with some small patella cartilage damage. I am about to get that taken care of (surgery), but not before end of this year.
Let me get to the point now. I have family and a demanding job (not physically though) but I manage to get to the gym 3 times a week since last summer. I started with full body routine (A/B/A) with mostly compound exercises. Unfortunately I’m a bit limited when it comes to squats and deadlifts due to my knee issue.
Since I started working out again on a regular basis I also tracked my foot intake and got back from ~85kg/187lbs to 92 kg / 202 lbs but not super lean. I need some pump and anabolic light to look somewhat trained in the mirror :).
I feel like my chest and back has grown a bit but mostly my arms still look like spaghetti hanging out my t-shirt.
I have relatively long legs and arms but a short torso with long and thin muscles. My tiny wrists indicate (at least to me) that I am not genetically gifted, plus I feel like having a bad recovery. After a (what I consider) hard training I feel like a trainwreck. I also tend to be a “worrier”/“overthinker”. Energy-wise there’s days where I need to hold my self back when working out to avoid doing too much.
Now the obvious questions: What would be your recommendations for training given my age and body type? I’ve read through a couple of articles here but I’m honestly still confused.
Should I limit my workout to 45 min? Should I add some extra arm exercises? Train to failure? Should I stay with a full body routine or rather split my training again? What would be your recommendation for time under tension and rest between sets
Focus on concentric or more on eccentric? You might realize I read many of the hardgainer articles here but I’m still unsure what category I fall into.