so im a hardgainer and about 1 year ago i weighed 135 pounds and i was 6 foot. i was sick of being skinny so i did some research (not enough) and i found the usual info for a hardgainer, eat tons of food with protein and eat roughly 1 gram of protein per pound and lift heavy 3 sets 4-8 reps well i ate anything with protein in it cheese burgers,pizza,kfc,whey protein shakes for about 1 year with strength training and in dec 06 i weighed 205. yeah i gained alot of muscle but alot of fat as well.
well for the past 2 months starting january 1 until now march 5 ive gone from
205 to 185 in my cutting cyle but i have yet to see any more definition of my muscle, oh and also i just started drinking 8 glasses of water a day on january 1st, and someone told me it could be water weight?? what the hell??
so i just am at a loss do you think i should keep cutting even though im seeing no results, and also next time i bulk ive heard of clean bulking how would you do that? just by eating tons of healthy foods?
so if anyone knows any good info for a hardgainer to cut and clean bulk, oh and if the weight i have lost is water weight plz help thx.