Mine came today. I set my dl record at 425 2 weeks ago, about 15 lbs. lighter than the last time I was near that. So this week I pull 415 (my 4th highest pull ever). I figure ‘fuck it. Go for 430’.
Hardest rep of my life on that 430. I got it up halfway and then I died. I didn’t want to drop it because you never know if you’ll ever get back to any high weight, I could get hit by a bus tomorrow. So I kept my form and I pulled that bitch up centimeter by centimeter cursing and dropping F-bombs and yelling to myself not to be a bitch. People were looking at me like I was nuts, and I honestly thought I might actually die. I was drained after that shit, it took me a good 25 seconds to get it up.
It would have to be the time I did those 20 rep squats. Most times I tried it, I pussed out. Also any leg set where I’ve throw up afterward would be up there too.
damn thats forever, i doubt you kept form but nice job sticking with it. I have not had any rep that long, I usually try to blast threw any lift very quick even on max attempts.
Mine was my first 600lb pull - the same exact experience as you described.
Its difficulty made the completion all the more sweet.[/quote]
Yeah, I get the feeling experiences like that make everything, even stuff outside the gym seem a bit easier.
[quote]shizen wrote:
damn thats forever, i doubt you kept form but nice job sticking with it. I have not had any rep that long, I usually try to blast threw any lift very quick even on max attempts. [/quote]
I think keeping form is what made it so hard. My traps almost charlie horsed afterwards, even now they’re cramping up. I didn’t even know that was possible.
20 rep quad sets when the “weightlifters headache” sets in, you know feels like a bomb when off in your skull. And yes, I finish the set…and yes I’m nauscious afterwards.
[quote]GetSwole wrote:
20 rep quad sets when the “weightlifters headache” sets in, you know feels like a bomb when off in your skull. And yes, I finish the set…and yes I’m nauscious afterwards.[/quote]
You mean the one where you just wish someone would cut your head off? Yep I know that one
Mine was from a couple weeks ago, when I up and decided to try for a 315 DL (yeah, I know, not much compared to a lot of ya’ll). I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and I had veins popping out everywhere on my face and neck. I know I must have let out some good grunts or screams, coz people looked at me funny, but I got the damn bar up.
Cue dizziness, light-headedness, and the sudden urge to puke. But, it was awesome to pull that weight up! 405 here I come!
345 Bench ~ 3 weeks ago. I know, I know… I’m a little bastard. That damn near killed me, thought I’d blow my nuts all over the wall, and give my spotter a hernia.
I’ve had some 20-rep squat days that were tough. PR days in the deadlift where I climbed an inch an hour.
Honestly though, I believe my hardest rep ever was a few months ago, and I was doing, of all exercises, incline barbell bench. I did 175x7, which isn’t all that impressive to the big guys, but at a weight of 175 (at the time), I literally moved that last rep for what seemed like an eternity. I could feel the focus go from my chest, to my shoulders, and finishing up at my tris as the bar creeped up my arm.
If there is ever a time I felt like I gave it my absolute all and found out exactly what my failure rep was, it was that one. There’s no way I could have done another single rep.