Hardcore Essentials

Thanks jjackrash. I am feeling last night’s lifting this morning.

Last night I felt beat from the beginning but I got me sum liftin’ in anyway.

T-Handle Swings:
100 lbs x 50

DE Alternating Grip Bench (1 minute btwn sets):
135 x 10
180 x 8 sets x 3 reps

Close Grip Benches Superset with Dumbell Hammer Curls:
180 lbs x 5 sets x 12 reps; 35 lbs dumbells x 5 sets x 15 reps

Standing Crunches:
70 lbs x 25

Good work but I ended quickly because I am fat and lazy and I had a movie date with my wife. Silver Linings Playbook is a great movie.

[quote]gorillavanilla wrote:
Good work but I ended quickly because I am fat and lazy and I had a movie date with my wife. [/quote]

Good work ya fat, lazy, romantic bastard.

This evening the lifting was extremely grinding and tough though satisfying.

T-Handle Swings:
100 lbs x 50 reps

Front Squats with Zercher harness/Front Squat Harness(22 lbs):
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1
475 x 1 (497 lbs w/harness wt)

10 Second Pause Squats ATG:
255 x 3 sets x 5 reps

Good Mornings (Close Stance)
225 x 3 sets x 10 reps

DE Pin Deadlifts From Bottom of Knee:
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 3
385 x 8 sets x 3 reps (1 minute btwn sets)

Standing Crunches:
70 lbs x 25

My entire body was aching after this routine and my mid-secttion was begging for mercy. I took a good thrashing.

Squatting and deadlifting in the same session fits well with the title of this thread.

good work in here.

how you like the t-handle swings?

Try’em for reps with a lot of weight say 5x15 with 150pds. (if your masochistic)

@FISCHER613-I love the T-Handle Swings. I think my entire mid section is getting a lot stronger as well as my posterior chain muscles and even my traps are stimulated from the swings. My delts get warmed up nicely, the hamstrings, and the rest of my body is growing from the swings. I will try 150 lbs for reps as soon as I can get some heavier plates to fit on the pipe.

Last night’s lifting went well though I didn’t get going until late due to an excruciatingly hard physical day at work where I was cutting spiked palm branches over head for hours with a pole saw. My shoulders, and to some extent my whole upper body was fried but after about 4 hours of rest I was ready to lift.

T-Handle Swings:
100 lbs x 50 reps

ME Dead Stop Pin Bench(Starting on chest):
45 lbs x 25
135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 3
255 x 1
260 lbs x 1

ME Incline Bench Press:
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
260 x 1

Tricep Pushdowns giant set w/Dumbell Hammer Curls:
90 lbs x 5 sets x 12 reps; 35 lbs dumbells x 5 x 15

Bent-over Rows:
225 lbs x 2 sets x 6
265 lbs x 2 sets x 6

Standing Crunches:
80 lbs x 25 reps

Total exhaustion and soreness were the words following this lifting. Yahoo, now that’s a fun time.

Tonight I started off feeling like a ton of bricks was pulling me into the ground and even my coffee and pre-lifting supps didn’t help.

T-Handle Swings:
100 lbs x 50 reps

DE Squats (1 minute btwn sets):
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
380 x 8 sets x 3 reps

Standing Crunches:
80 lbs x 25

I wanted to do deadlifts tonight but the will and the body said, “No!” Live to fight another day. Lack of sleep last night really affected me today and work was a bitch. I managed to try to nap for an hour which seemed to drag me down even further. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day and I’ll get some good sleep tonight. Please, please let my 2 year old sleep the whole night through.

I got the t-handle put together but haven’t used it yet. I’m doing squats tomorrow so maybe after. It’s a shitload of squats, though.

Tons of squats is always good.

[quote]gorillavanilla wrote:
Tonight I started off feeling like a ton of bricks was pulling me into the ground and even my coffee and pre-lifting supps didn’t help.

T-Handle Swings:
100 lbs x 50 reps

DE Squats (1 minute btwn sets):
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
380 x 8 sets x 3 reps

Standing Crunches:
80 lbs x 25

I wanted to do deadlifts tonight but the will and the body said, “No!” Live to fight another day. Lack of sleep last night really affected me today and work was a bitch. I managed to try to nap for an hour which seemed to drag me down even further. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day and I’ll get some good sleep tonight. Please, please let my 2 year old sleep the whole night through.[/quote]

This whole week both my two year old and six year old have piled into bed with us. I have ended up sleeping on my bad shoulder because both of them jackknife across the bed. And I am only half asleep usually when they are in there. It really destroys recovery.

The trials of a powerlifter/weightlifter/bodybuilder working around raising small children is worth a sports documentary. Most of us don’t have the millions of big sports athletes and we are hands on parents which makes the challenge to lift and recover that much more special. My child and one on the way will always be the #1 priority so scheduling in the lifting and all its components is lots of fun.

Been absent on here several day due to preparing for my wife’s baby shower, painting bedroom, installing floating shelves, tons of work, and tough lifting. The combination of stress due to my activities this week has caused me extreme fatigue. I had one pupil enlarge to 10 times the size of the other pupil yesterday and just now the huge pupil is decreasing in size and my body fatigue is dissipating.

Lifting Monday (1/21/13) went like this:

T-Handle Swings:
100 lbs x 50 reps

ME Front Squats(w/Front Squat harness):
157 x 10
247 x 5
337 x 3
427 x 1
502 lbs x 1 (New PR)

10 Second Pause Squats ATG:
275 lbs x 3 sets x 5 reps

Good Mornings-close stance:
235 x 3 x 6

Hanging Leg Raises:
3 x 15

Felt great for this lifting and looking forward to switching ME lift next week.

Tuesdays (1/22/13) lifting went like this:

T-Handle Swings:
100 lbs x 50 reps

ME Bench off pins w/bar on chest:
45 lbs x 25
135 x 10
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 lbs x 1 (New PR)

Incline Bench:
135 x 10
185 x 3
225 x 1
275 lbs x 1 (New PR)

Tricep Push-downs superset with dumbbell hammer curls:
100 lbs x 5 sets x 12; 35 lbs each hand x 5 sets x 15

Bent-over Rows:
225 x 2 x 6
275 x 2 x 6

Standing Crunches:
80 lbs x 25

Had an excellent night and made a large jump from last week on my ME work. Can’t wait to change the ME lifts next week.

nice work on the front squats. I know you mentioned your bench is coming back after injury, what was the injury again?

I severely tore my right biceps tendon and had muscle damage toward the top of my right biceps as well which the surgeon repaired. If I am able to make it back to the upper 300’s on my bench in the next 6 months that would be awesome. My injury happened almost 2 years ago at the APF Europa in Orlando, FL. I tore my biceps while deadlifting.

Tonight the lifting went well but it took me forever to get going.

T-Handle Swings:
100 lbs x 50 reps

DE Safety Squat Bar Squats (1 min btwn sets):
155 x 10
245 x 5
335 x 8 sets x 3 reps

ME Zercher Harness Squat from 3" below hip(Explosive):
157 x 5
247 x 5
337 x 5
427 lbs x 3 (I was fatigued from activities this week and lifting but I feel the next couple of weeks I will move much bigger weights here)

Hanging Leg Raises (From Pull-up bar):
3 set x 15

I think I will be doing the Zercher Harness squats from progressively lower positions over the next 11 weeks or so and adding in partial deads from a low position to supplement. Lifting only lasted about 40 minutes tonight.

So, I just found out that I forgot the weight of the Simmons Front Squat/Zercher harness I have. It is 27 pounds which means all of my lifts are
5 pounds heavier than I thought with the harness.

[quote]gorillavanilla wrote:
So, I just found out that I forgot the weight of the Simmons Front Squat/Zercher harness I have. It is 27 pounds which means all of my lifts are
5 pounds heavier than I thought with the harness.[/quote]

BEAST ! Fear for your lives men and your vaginas ladies!!

Good work. Always nice to find out you’re better at something than you previously thought…

Saturday’s lifting went well especially considering I had put on a baby shower and been cleaning up from it before hand for most of the day and evening. Didn’t get to lift until 9 PM but thats the way it is.

T-Handle Swings:
110 lbs x 2sets x 25 reps

DE Alternating Grip High Incline Bench:
45 lbs x 25
135 x 10
165 x 8 sets x 3 reps (1 min btwn sets)

Close Grip Bench Superset w/35 lbs Dumbell Hammer Curls:
165 x 5 x 12; 5sets x 15

Standing Crunches:
80 lbs x 25

This about wasted me completely. My day was very full of activity.