Beginning a new year with a return to the conjugate/Westside type lifting program. My goals for this year are to be on top of the Masters Raw 220 lbs weight class listings in America in powerlifting and to make the top 10 Raw 220 lbs list for all lifters in America in powerlifting and the rankings on Powerlifting Watch.
My current stats are: 218 lbs bodyweight at 5ft 8in tall. I have recently maxed with a 615 squat and a 285 lbs bench. My bench number is very low due to my recovering from a right biceps tear about a year and 8 months ago but I am making great strides in getting my bench back to
385 lbs and beyond.
I intend to keep my deadlift equal or greater than my squat. My last best deadlift was 550 lbs this past July at the UPF Challenge in Orlando, Florida.
I expect and will demand of myself great increases on a steady pace and hopefully will compete in the next 5 months in my next powerlifting contest.
First night of this wave of training began last night(New Year’s Eve):
T-Handle Swings:
100 lbs x 50 reps(Non-stop)
ME-(Anderson) Dead-stop Squats starting from pin 1 inch above parallel:
135 lbs x 10
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 1
495 x 1
585 x 1
ME-Good Mornings(Close Stance):
135 x 10
225 x 3
315 x 3
365 x 3
DE-Deadlifts (from pins right below knee)-1 min btwn sets:
135 x 3
225 x 3
315 x 3
365 x 8sets x 3reps
Hanging Leg Raises:
4 x 10
Max Effort work went well and I think I may have room to add 5 to 10 pounds on these lifts next week. Dynamic Effort deadlifts were fast and explosive. Overall, good lifting but I will be looking for improvements the next two weeks of this wave. Happy New Year!
Tonight’s lifting went well. I’m exited again about progressively adding to my total amount lifted and switching associated lifts to target the squat, bench, and deadlifts.
T-Handle Swings:
100 lbs x 50 reps
ME-Close-grip FatGripz Incline Bench:
45 lbs x 25
135 x 10
185 x 3
205 x 3
225 x 3
240 x 3
ME-Close-grip FatGripz Pin Press(4 inches over chest):
225 x 3
275 x 1
285 x 1
Tricep Press-downs Superset with light hammer curls:
90lbs x 5sets x 12reps(triceps); 35lbs dumbells x 5sets x 15 reps(hammer curls)
Bentover Rows:
135 x 6
225 x 6
275 x 4
Shoulder Superset:
20lbs Dumbells x 12 OHP x 12 Front Raises x 12 Lateral Raises
Standing Crunches:
70 lbs x 25
The Max Effort work felt good and I have room to improve with these lifts over the next 2 weeks of this wave. The light accessory work was fast and intense which capped off a great night.
Strong work. Why do you think your biceps injury has affected your bench more than your DL? I suffered a biceps tendon rupture 11 years ago, and it still keeps me from DLing significant weight. On the other hand, my bench pre-injury was just as mediocre as it is post.
Also, if you don’t mind, what’s the difference between Max Effort and Dynamic Effort lifting? (I don’t know nuthin’ about no PLing.)
[quote]EyeDentist wrote:
what’s the difference between Max Effort and Dynamic Effort lifting? (I don’t know nuthin’ about no PLing.)[/quote]
max effort lifting rep range is usually 3 to 5 so around 90-95% of your max. its used to increase your limit strength (the total amount of force you can apply).
dynamic effort is usually also 3 reps or so per set but this time you might only be using 50% of your max. the emphasis is on moving the bar as fast as possible. this develops your rate of force development, or how fast you can apply force to the bar.
ideal strength athlete should train both to maximize strength. this is the basis of the westside powerlifting method.
Lifting tonight wasn’t so great but I did enough to feel adequate.
T-Handle Swings:
100 lbs x 50 reps
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
365 lbs x 8sets x 3reps(1 min btn sets
Hanging Leg Raises:
3 x 15
About 30 minutes lift time. On a bright note, my wife did her 4D sonograph today and our little girl, due in 2 months, looks precious. I think going to the gyno with my wife today and seeing our girl to be knocked the energy out of me.
@EyeDentist: My biceps tear and subsequent surgery caused me a great amount of atrophy and loss of strength in the entire right half of my upper body. I used my right arm as much as possible to recover and the strengthening has been gradual however due to my pressing movement being highly restricted for a many months I lost so much on my bench. I was able to pull some light weight fairly quickly after my surgery and using the right arm as much as possible helped return my deadlifts more quickly than my bench has returned.
@Oldman Powers-Thanks, there’s going to be 3 females in the house so major estrogen advantage to them. I hope I have enough testosterone to handle a 3 year old girl, a baby girl, and my wife. It’s all fun and sleepless nights and love and then I go smash iron and listen to sweet, sweet hard ,loud rock while I lift.
@sen say-Thanks, I attempt to keep a positive outlook for every day that is realistic and rational.
The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray. Monday’s lifting was waylaid by my 2 year old so I delayed that workout for tonight. The lifting was intense.
T-Handle Swings;
100 lbs x 50 reps(Have to say this is the most effective warm-up I’ve tried for legs, back, shoulders and core.)
ME Front Squats with Zercher/Front Squat Harness(22lbs):
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1
455 lbs x 1 (Actual weight 477 lbs)
15 Second Pause Squats ATG:
245 lbs x 3 sets x 5 reps (Extremely Brutal)
Close Stance Good Mornings:
225 x 3 sets x 6 reps
DE Pin Deadlifts (Just below knee):
135 x 3
225 x 3
315 x 3
370 x 8 sets x 3 reps (45 seconds btwn sets)
@giterdone-Look up how to make a T-Handle on youtube. Thats how I did it. I went to Lowe’s and bought the plumbers pipe, flange, and T-fitting for around $20 and put it together very fast. IF you can fit and screw 2 pipes together you can make it. It’s so easy. I find it hard to believe that one of the best pieces of equipment I own cost me about $20 and 3 minutes of assembly but there it is.
@sen say-Yes, I was pausing all the way in the bucket on the squats for 15 seconds. I think I may only go about 10 seconds next time because I don’t know if staying down there that much longer is doing any good.
ME Dead Stop Pin Presses starting from my chest:
45 lbs x 25
135 x 10
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
255 x 1
ME Close Grip Incline Bench Press:
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
245 x 1
255 x 1
Triceps Push Downs Superset with 35 lbs Dumbell Hammer Curls:
90 lbs x 5 sets x 12 reps; 5 sets x 15 reps
Bent-over Rows:
225 x 3sets x 6reps
Standing Crunches:
70 lbs x 25
Benching felt great all around and I think I will be able to push the poundage up next week. Everything was working well and lifting lasted about an hour.
Got started really late because had to take care of family issues. Lifting was inspired and intense.
T-Handle Swings:
100 lbs x 50
DE Squats (One set every minute):
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
375 x 8sets x 3reps
ME 2 1/2 Inch Deficit Stiff-legged Deadlifts:
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 1
405 x 1 (w/straps)
500 x 1 (w/straps)
550 x 1 (w/straps)
Standing Crunches:
70 lbs x 25
The squats were flying fast and the deads felt really good. I feel I have a bit more in me for the stiff-leg deads so the next couple of weeks there will be increases in poundage.