i was wondering if anybody would be able to help me with this query of mine.
I have really skinny forearms and fingers and was wondering if anybody knew the most effective way the bulid muscle/bone thickness.
With the forarms, would it be better to do excersises that require the forearms for hand stabalisation such as bicep curls, or would i be better to put them through a full range of mation such as hand flextion/retraction. Or should i be doing hand twisting or grabbing exercises? there are so many to choose from i am more confused than anything else! Also, would doing finger pushups be a good way to add bone density to the fingers?
I’d love to here of any ideas/opinions anybody has.
Thank you guys
Do curls & wrist curls with plates. You’ve got to have really strong fingers to hold the plate in position (in line with your lower arm) because a plate sticks out a lot more than a bar, especially a 45!. If you can, do everything with thick bars, especially curls, hammer curls, reverse curls & wrist curls. Do 2 finger deadlifts & one handed deadlifts. If you’ve got eagle loops, do chins with them. Get 2 pairs of pliers & your lifting straps, loop the straps around the bar & hold the end together with the pliers & deadlift like that. Buy Mastery of Hand Strength by John Brookfield & all the grip books
Do curls & wrist curls with plates. You’ve got to have really strong fingers to hold the plate in position (in line with your lower arm) because a plate sticks out a lot more than a bar, especially a 45!. If you can, do everything with thick bars, especially curls, hammer curls, reverse curls & wrist curls. Do 2 finger deadlifts & one handed deadlifts. If you’ve got eagle loops, do chins with them. Get 2 pairs of pliers & your lifting straps, loop the straps around the bar & hold the end together with the pliers & deadlift like that. Read Mastery of Hand Strength by John Brookfield & all the grip/forearm books Bill Hinbern has.
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Heavy deadlifts with no straps, 4 sets 3-6 reps. This will make anybodys forearms grow.