Hamstring Lift

I am looking for another hamstring/posterior lift. I would like a unilateral and bilateral movement if possible, please.

I currently have:

Single and double leg hamstring curls
Bilateral RDL
Unilateral RDL

Barbell Back Extensions (Hyperextensions)

Nordic leg curls
Sliding leg curls
Pull throughs (but I don’t love them)
KB swings

actually just added these this morning without seeing this. Thanks!

Try the Mansfield lift. I added it few weeks ago.

He mentions putting the pad higher at hips or above to target hammies. What’s your experience with this? Everywhere else says to put the pad just below hip height and then keep back straight to target hamstrings the best.

I agree with Meadows. Higher for hammies, lower for erector spinae. I’ve done both and like them a lot.

Both versions will hit the erector spinae, glutes, and hammies to different degrees. Experiment with the different settings for the pad height and dial it in.

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Lyle McDonald goes into great detail. Recommended read for this exercise.

This is great! Thanks!