Gyms in Ottawa

Anyone live in the Ottawa area (Kanata specifically) or just know of a good place to train in Kanata that’s reasonably priced and would have the basics (bench, squat rack, barbells for deads etc)?

This is just outside Kanata, towards Stitsville. Like 5 min from Scotiabank Place. I haven’t been there is a couple of years but they had a squat rack, benches, and a lot of hammerstrength equipment.

[quote]dianab wrote:


Excellent thanks, I’ll send out some emails to the clubs listed with Ottawa area codes hopefully I luck out and one is fairly close to me.

While not a pl club, the Y at Scotia bank placed is well equipped and reasonably priced.

I found the equipment at Astral to be shit.

I had a look at the YMCA page for the ScotiaBank place and it looked decent, but really isn’t an option until the bus strike is over. I found out today though that where I’ll be working has it’s own gym facilities that will only cost me $16 per month, which is hella good for me since it has a decent selection of free weights, a squat rack, some machines, and a few treadmills. Thanks for all the responses.

which gym? I don’t know of one that cheap in Kanata with a cage. Could help out a friend of mine.

I work at Entrust, the gym is right inside the building for the employees.