just my opinion.
over the years i had memberships of a lot of gyms. i seen in the normal gym where most members want to be a bodybuilder, i seen their body looking just about the same after a year plus training. in the gymnastic facility its so common to see the bodys go from fit looking to super fit built looking. and most recently, the few times i been a guest at my friends crosssfit gym, those guys really transfer there bodies like the gymnasts…seen guys in early spring then recently , and they look way better…
it could be just the individuals at the 3 different gyms, but maybe its got more to do with the workouts. i know a lot can play into this, intensity, diet, how often, but i was a gym rat and was there alot. the normal bb gym i seen the same guys busting their ass doing benches, presses, curls, deads, squats, but they just lookd the same in apperance ten months after the first time i seen them…
the gymnasts went from built to fantastic looking as well as the crossfit guys…those 2 gyms are more bodyweight movements at a high intendity, but they just got better looking over a period of time. are the gymnastic movements and the xfit movements, ring dips, rope climbs, thrusters hard running and of course the high bar pommell horse and hard ab training better for to to change your body than the normal curls benches presses etc…
from what i seen, the gymnaasts and xfit blew away the normal bodybuilers on how fast they got the better look going.it could all be the people i seen in these gyms too. maybe the gymnasts and xfit people were more dedicated than th pure bodybuilders wanna bes… my friend that does xfit these last few years looks amazing now. t
hey do pullups, i think 30 a day for a warmup 6 days a week., lots of abs for a warm up too. maybe its the exercises. i cant pinpoint it, but the exercises and the intensisy of gymnastic training and xfit gotta have something to do with it. see the bodybuilders do a set, rest 2 minutes, then another set. seen xfit guys climb a long rope then do pullups when they get down. amazing bi’s and arms… gymnnasts are just built. period… none of their training is ez. the bodybuilder cheats in lat pulldowns, the gumnast does pullups on the high bar. cant cheat on that… why do xfit and guynasts look away better after a few years of training than the guy doing bb movements after training 2 years? just going by what i seen