ive been working out in a disused gym in my old skool… but i went down today and the door has been deadbolted shut. and i cant get in. ive spoken to my old coach and he thinks he can get me back in… BUT not for maybe a week…
this leaves me a dylema (not so much if i get back in but huge if i dont)
im a member of a few gyms in town by working for the council.
but NONE of the gyms have a any free weights apart from dumbells. and the heaviest is 25kg.
they have a smith machine but you arnt allowed to squat in it.
this severely cuts down my options… No squats, no Deadlifting, no olympic lifts.
im training 5x5 and none of the weights are going to be anywhere near heavy enough for the compound lifts…
there are no other gyms within 20 miles apart from council gyms.
anyone got any recommendations for what i should do for the next week… and if push comes to shove, the next 3 months?
Fill gallons or 2 liters with water or sand. Be creative with ropes, chains, and bands. Find a heavy ass log or rock, tie rope handles on it … deadlift it.
Pushups from a deficit or weight on your back, pullups from a tree using rope, bodyweight squats, one leg squats, etc.
Clearly it is going to be hard for you to continue heavy-ass lifting during this time. Don’t get discouraged, but BW exercises are difficult in other ways. It might be a nice break to try something new for awhile.
[quote]MtbKid wrote:
How long have you been on your present program? If you have been for a couple months take the week off to allow your body to heal.[/quote]
I agree, you can use it as a deload week. I’m in my first one now, and just doing light gpp work with a jump rope and kettlebells, then getting a good stretch in. I’m also taking some time to learn the one arm db snatch.
My knees started to hurt and I was feeling beat down so I figured I needed one.
i agree take the week to rest
do some jogging because if I remember right you were in the same boat I was and wanting to lose a lil fat too right?
go jogging in the am use them paving stones move em from one end of the yard then back.
but dont do anything real bad and if you cant get into the gym then looks like you will have to make due with what you can get unless you can get your own 300 pound olympic weight set. thats if you can get one.
i went to my local council gym which is also my work.
i got told of twice for grunting/breathing loudly.
the “”““personal trainer””“” came up to me at one stage at said if i couldnt lift the weight for 10 reps… i shouldnt be doing it.
i just stared at him… flexed my 18 inch bicep and said. “i think i know what im doing… do you?” then looked him up and down in a mocking kind of way. he wasnt happy ans just walked off shaking his head. i no this makes me look like a dickhead… but this guy is a PT because he has done a 20 hour course, weighs 10 stone and still thinks a squat should go nowhere near parallel…
the dumbbells actually go up to 27.5kg. which i used for everything. all the cable machines etc only go up to 70kg. which i used for everything.
soooooo unmotivating. with all the old fat woman walking for 20 mins in 5 min intervals then getting water after each interval. no music but daytime soaps galore!