GuineaPig’s Training Log - Hunt 300 Deadlift

Now that’s a term I haven’t heard before

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Secret training technique of navy seals


For some reason I thought you were a guinea pig rather than a seal

Can I identify as both or one or the other at my convenience?

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Well it’s 2018 you know



Squat 4x6 @ 130kg
Pause Squat 1x5 @ 120kg

Friday night session starts off with low stress squat. Nothing much to comment on here except for a little bit more work towards another big squat PR in a while.

Bench 4x3 @ 90kg

Ez low stress bench also. Trying to dial in and refine form. Things like refining cues down to “chest to bar” and “fast/smooth” on the lowering and “legs” and “short arms” on the concentric.

OHP 1x12 @50kg Rep PR
1 set of press so went for an AMRAP and I’m pretty sure it’s a rep PR but can’t be bothered looking back.

Pause Deadlift 1x4 @ 150kg
Sumo Deadlift 3,3,8,12 Rep PRs @ 180kg

High DL day with a lot of reps with 4 biscuits on the menu. Pinched something on my thumb first set when hook gripping so pulled out the good old mixed grip. Been a long time since I’ve mixed gripped anything so it’s nice to know my grip strength isn’t completely gone.

Low reps moved alright but when I strapped up for the high rep sets my back position was the first thing to get sloppy. Part laziness part upper back fatiguing and part not being tight enough in my upper back.

Coachbrah was around and put an idea to me which I’m gonna need everybody’s input on. Sumo Block Pulls.

I have never done these before and I don’t quite understand the point or like the benefit of them or if it would be effective for me. They were in the Sheiko program a few times but I did pause DL instead so I don’t have much to go on.

He had me throw on an extra 20kg and do a few reps.

From that little bit of experience I can say that I can probably overload a lot and rep out my current max for lols with this extra cheating exercise. I dunno. There’s spots for assistance stuff in the program that can be subbed in and out pretty easy apparently. Whatever ends up happening there’s still gonna be pause DL in.

Are sumo block pulls any good or is it like something I got to do a few weeks to know if it is good or not?

If anyone wants to drop some thoughts and bounce it off the rest of the forums

No training today but looking forward to watching the Championship League final and might pull the trigger on some sexy shirts off Iron Rebel with the Memorial Day sale 25% off

Nvm delivery takes too long I need instant gratification lol

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this the reason why i didnt get slingshot/strong sleeves back when i was getting my first sleeves

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So many sexy things so much delivery time/costs

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Squat 8x3 @ 140kg
Pause Squat 4x4 @ 120kg

High squat day and pretty intimidating volume at first glance but got through it well enough. Focusing on staying tight and not going too deep.

Bench 7x3 @ 95kg

Medium bench day with some volume with 95kg. Rushed the pauses a bit but will improve on that next time.

Sumo Deadlift 180kg x 3,8,10
Block Pull 1x4 @ 220kg
Snatch Grip Deadlift 4x12 @ 75kg

Lo deadlift day so some ez reps with four biscuits followed up by sumo block pulls with five biscuits.


I’m checking out your form and it looks great. I now have a good mental image of how sumo should “look” in my mind.

Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the compliment I guess but sumo looks different for different people and stuff lol.

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I’ll second the Hog here, I think your form on all your lifts are looking pretty solid and you some heavy shit iron on the bar too.

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Squats look smooth man, nice work.

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Whyd you sneak in a mixed grip rep?

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Secretly training my mixed grip so I have a fallback if hook grip ever fails me?

Just double overhand everything and you never have to worry

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