GuineaPig’s Training Log - Hunt 300 Deadlift

Dunno how much I could double overhand… mayb 150kg - 160kg. I’m interested in the monkey grip though it actually feels pretty good it’s just if it can hold at higher weights

tf is that?

I’ve done 150kg for a triple with double overhand because i forgot to hook, so im pretty sure you could do more

Mixed grip except you let the bar sit really low in your fingers. Like having your hands half open. Trading ROM for grip security.

I dunno maybe

Never heard of something like that before lel


This is my new favourite gif. Though the dude just after downey jr is letting the team down.



High bench + upper body accessory session today. Didn’t each much going in so felt kinda low energy but got in plenty of decent work.

Bench 6x5 @ 90kg

Tough one and holding my breath and staying tight gives me slight headaches when sets get longer. Pretty drained come accessories but still got in some work.

OHP 5x7 @ 50kg
Weighted Chins 3x9 @ BW + 10kg
Delt Raises

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Since you’re a gear whore yourself to,
Would you wear a shirt saying “X Plate Lift Club”
So: 5 PLATE SQUAT CLUB for example

Bench is looking solid dude.

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Nah. I’d just get stronger than my shirt says and it wouldn’t make sense. Or like if it’s a goal than that means I’m not as strong as my shirt says and that doesn’t make sense

If anything I’m thinking about treating myself to some new tights. Maybe something fancy like Virus the black and gold ones.

Bench is going well. Squat too. I trust the process and am confident of some PRs next test. I’m bit less sure of deadlift though

In some of @Vincepac1500’s vids he is wearing a shirt with something along the lines of “$50 if you can outdeadlift me”. I think he only wears it around where he knows he is the big sumo fish. Awks when you bump into Yury Belkin or some shit.


Will be testing it out this fall/winter at the new gym I go to. Everyone bodybuilds and is like 30+lbs heavier than me lol should be a fun time.


What’s up with this, you are trying to cut your squats higher than usual? The thing is that by attempting to reverse the movement before you hit the bottom will reduce the stretch reflex and might actually make your squat weaker. Widening your stance should limit ROM and make you catch the stretch reflex higher, other things that can help are switching to flat shoes and a lower bar position. I don’t know if you already have someone working with you on this but those are some things you could experiment with. Also, Johnny Candito has a video on how to squat higher, I never watched it because I never really had an issue with going way too deep. One thing to keep in mind is that you might just be better off squatting deeper, there are people who do that. Also you will get white lights on Sunday at the US open.

After all the effort you went to to write that advice I’m sorry to say that high squats is referring to like a high volume and workload and stuff day.

Squatting higher (depth lol) is going pretty well actually. Its only a bit higher like instead of 5 inches below depth it’s 2 inches.

Not really related to this but has anyone noticed that guys who squat (or have squatted in the past) with a higher bar position while basically dive-bombing the lifts have humongous quads if they are on the shorter side? (Think Candito and Alan Thrall) just like guys who do cheat rows have huge backs (George Leeman, Eric Bugenhagen, the AlphaDestiny dude…). There has to be something to the sudden and violent stretch under load.

To further my point; Arnold did pretty violent and heavy dumbbell flies for his chest all through his career. Now of course he did other stuff as well, but I’m just pointing this out.

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Hard to say how much dive bombing a squat is going to help with hypertrophy but high bar squatting definitely uses more quads so that could be it. However, stretching the muscle does apparently increase the hypertrophic stimulus (Mike Israetel has talked about that). Cheat rows involve more weight, even if you are cheating the movement a bit you will still have to use all your stabilizing muscles, especially if you don’t put the bar down between reps. It’s a good way to build your lower back.

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I figured that out from reading some of your other posts but you still say you are trying not to go too deep. Have you tried widening your stance or using flat shoes? A lot of people squat more like that, it’s worth experimenting with. The reason that I use weightlifting shoes and a medium-narrow stance is because the other way I probably won’t hit depth at all and it’s hard on my hips but it looks like you have the mobility to make it work.

Take enough Dbol and GH and you can do flys however you want.

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Honestly I’ve never given it a proper go. Mostly because every time it feels meh or straight up bad and going narrower feels better so I end up back here

If that’s the case then maybe what you are doing is going to be the best option but I would still give it a shot. Just don’t make drastic changes, try 2-3 inches wider or flat shoes, not both at the same time, and if it feels good then you can try pushing it further. A couple years ago I squatted high bar with a narrow stance at a meet.

There’s also the factor of your muscles having to work against your joints literally tearing apart

Also it’s wen proven that weighed stretches both during a movement and statically lead to added hypertrophy - the question that needs to be answered is does going into a stretched out position in a quick and violent manner produce more hypertrophy and how can you do it in safe manner?

If that was the case, Arnold would have had, for example, great shoulders as well. Of course drugs and genetics play a role, but the dumbbell fly was something he swore by and to this day he’s chest has remained pretty much unrivalled in size

But this is all just observations, playing with ideas and stuff, nothing to be taken too seriously. Maybe he did have a massive amount of receptors in his chest and it responded really well to drugs, who knows.

I hear more people promoting controlled or even slow eccentrics. Some people can get away with divebombing squats but it is dangerous and there isn’t really much you can do except not do it. I was recently talking to a guy who had to go bench-only in a big international meet because he tore his soleus by divebombing a squat. He still came come with a gold medal but doing a full meet was the original goal.

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