I’m new here and hoping to get some feedback on the routine i’m currently following, my own design. To put in to context: I have run a few cycles of Wendler’s 5/3/1 before now as well as bodyweight only and five day splits. My main issue appears to be being able to follow a routine for a prolonged period of time without changing my mind or wanting to try something new. I have tried 5x5 before and loved it and I really enjoy the idea of focusing on one main lift pre workout, hence this routine which I would like to be able to follow until at least Christmas. My thinking in this routine is that to deliver real results, I should focus on three specific exercises for upper and lower body, with accessory work to emphasise one of the main lifts each workout. I have been following this for about 3 - 4 weeks now and I am feeling great and seeing progress. My aims are to to develop strength and build symmetry, with leaning out something I am working on in the kitchen. Size gains would be nice but are secondary to actually being strong and functional to me.
Could I ask people to have a look and give me their thoughts on whether this is a well put together program? Is there anything I am missing or anything you think could be replaced or is unnecessary? Is there enough in terms of exercises per workout? etc etc
Workout A - Upper / Bench focus
5x5 Bench Press
5x5 Overhead Press
75-100 dips
4x8-12 Incline fly
4x8-12 Incline DB press
SS 4x lower leg raise / landmine 180s
Workout B - Lower / Squat focus
5x5 Squat
5x5 Deadlift
50+ Chinups
5x5 Single leg press
4x8-12 Romanian Deadlifts
4x8-12 Calf raises
4x grip work
Workout C - Upper / Press focus
5x5 Bench Press
5x5 Overhead Press
75-100 dips
5x5 Arnold press
5x5 Side lateral raises
SS Hyperextensions / landmine 180s
Workout D - Lower / Deadlift focus
5x5 Squat
5x5 Deadlift
50+ Chinups
5x5 Straight bar row
4x8-12 Rack pulls
4x8-12 Calf raises
4x8-12 Reverse barbell curls
Thanks all in advance.