Hello all!
Been lifting for a little over a year. Have enjoyed splits and full body routines. After being primarily on a 8-12rep hypertrophy based P/P/L routine as of late, I have decided to go back to a routine closer to the 5x5 I started out with. I have decided to base my routine around a 5x5 but instead of 3x a week full body I would try a 2x a week Upper/Lower still centered around 5x5 linear progression.
I will be using a 5lb weekly increase to bench and OHP and a 10lb weekly increase to squat and deadlift. My 5x5 will be 5 reps for 5sets straight across at around 80-85% 1RM, with the exception of Deadlift which will be ramping sets to a 3rep max at 85-90% 1RM. For accessories I will be increasing the reps from 8-9-10-12 through the span of a four week cycle, then I will increase the weight and rinse and repeat the 8-12 rep scheme.
My accessories will also all be superset with one another to cut down on gym time and to keep my conditioning up as I will not be doing any specific conditioning work with this program except for a couple basketball pickup games per week.
The routine will be as follows:
5x5 Bench Press
5x5 Barbell Row
3x8-12 Seated DB Press / 3x8-12 One Arm DB Row
3x8-12 Skull crushers / 3x8-12 BB Bicep Curls
5x5 Squat
5x10 Weighted Crunches
3x8-12 Lateral Raise / 3x8-12 Standing Calf Raise
3x8-12 Leg Ext. / 3x8-12 Leg Curl
5x5 BB Overhead Press
5x5 Leverage High Row
3x8-12 Decline Bench / 3x8-12 Leverage Horizontal Row
3x8-12 Tri Rope Pushdown / 3x8-12 Rope Hammer Curl
5x5 Squat
5x3 Deadlift (Ramping Sets)
3x8-12 Barbell Shrug / 3x8-12 Standing Calf Raise
3x8-12 Leg Ext. / 3x8-12 Leg Curl
Been lurking on this site for a while now, but this is my first post. Have really appreciated all of the knowledge and tips that I have gained from you all. Critiques, thoughts and suggestions wanted!
Thanks for reading!