Hey guys, I just started a cycle of aussie GH, omnidrin, and Primobolon and had a few questions.
I am using 4 IU daily of GH injected once in the evening before bed. At 81 kilos, 9% BF is this enough and is this the best time for injections?
The first week I couldnt tell I was using the GH except that I slept better. The GH had been leaving small bruises on me, so today I injected it into my quad. No pain, no problem, then about an hour later I had one of the worst skin irritations. My hands and feet were itching and it was horrible. I called a friend and he said that it was good stuff. Now the itching is gone, but I have muscle pains and I am incredibly hungry. I am curious if this is supposed to happen? I am no newbie to normal stuff but GH is new to me. Any ideas? Is the GH just absorbed better through the muscle?
I am also curios if I used enough water to mix it. The bottles are 54 IU of GH so I added exactly 54 IU of electrostatic water, is this enough?
One more about injection sites. Before today I was just using a different part of my body that had fat, ie stomach, inner thighs etc. Does it matter?
Thanks for the time and thanks for an exciting magazine, I love MD6 and Tribex, I am ordering GROW!! and want to try Methoxy when my cycle is over.