[quote]FlatsFarmer wrote:
Finally a topic I have some useful input on! I’m a former EXTREME grip nerd, and after some time not focusing on it, I’m getting back into training my hands again lately.
In my opinion you can work your ability to hold stuff (grip strength) or your wrist flexion/extension (forearms). Like others have said, grip strength is pretty specific. You can have a pretty good supporting grip and have small forearms, or a big forearms, but a terrible pinch grip. There may be some overlap where grip strength grows your forearms, or increasing your forearm size makes your grip stronger, but for maximum development you should address both.
While your grip goals look pretty good and well rounded, you’ve got some crushing (grippers) supporting (farmer’s/DL) and pinch, there is no mention of working your forearms with flexion or extension of the elbows or wrists. Thats how you stimulate the largest muscles in your forearms, the ones that will have the most impact on forearm size.
In my experience the best lifts for forearm size are hammer curls, reverse curls, curls with thick bars and the wrist roller. The wrist roller is the absolute best though! If you don’t have one, or access to one, make yourself one. Wrist curls and reverse wrist curls are pretty good to hit the forearms, but a pain to set up and execute. The wrist roller does a more effective job than both of those, and if you have a thick handled roller it will work your grip too.
Also, Rampant Badger mentioned the Fat Gripz handles. I got a set about a month ago, and they are awesome. They go over any barbell dumbell, or any other handle to make it a thick bar. They turn any exercise into a forearm/grip lift.
thanks for the suggestion about the wrist roller, i kind of look over that in the gym because it has these default plates that go up to like 10 pounds, so i figured it was kind of pointless. I will have to try to put normal plates on there so it becomes a challenge.
on this article on tnation: The Best Exercise for Forearm Workouts
it says that a 75 pound roll-up for 3 is in the advanced stage
if i was capable of performing that as well as say a 60 pound reverse dumbbell curl for 10+ reps, would it be pretty much mandatory of me having big forearms? (like 16+) (i know every scenario is different, but hypothetically id assume that means id be having some decent size forearms)
for example my routine would be along the lines of
deadlift without straps (i am working on my grip to do so)
wrist roller (no idea for sets x reps)
and then like working up to a set where i hit the reverse dumbbell curls to failure
i would do captain of crush at home whenever i feel up to it and dont have to worry about grip the next day
thanks everyone for the thought out responses!!
i really like the community on these forums compared to others