[quote]Boffin wrote:
[quote]matsm21 wrote:
heavy shrugs. train your upper back as well as your grip. I work my way up with reps until it is a static hold, about 200 lbs over my dead. since i’ve been doing that grip has never been an issue for me.[/quote]
X2, once I got to shrugging 50/60kg over my DL 1RM for 5 reps I had no grip issues.[/quote]
X3 I beleive that may be a major reason I have not had any grip issues since high school…
for the heaviest sets I use the competition grip. lighter sets I reverse my hands, but thats just me. My training partner doesn’t and he’s had no problems and is much stronger.
Wait so you guys do shrugs with an over-under grip?
I use double-overhand (both palms facing towards my body) for shrugs. For deadlifts I used to switch back and forth between left palm in/right palm out and vice versa, but lately I’ve been tweaking my left bicep if I go left palm out so I keep it left palm in/right palm out for all sets over 275. I think it’s really whatever is more comfortable for you especially when you start lifting heavier.
Warm up sets are done with a double-overhand grip, though.
[quote]pyrosive wrote:
Wait so you guys do shrugs with an over-under grip?[/quote]
I do, its impossible for me to reverse my over under grip too, so its always Left under (i.e. supinated) and Right over (i.e. pronated).
I like to use a towel or rope when i’m doing pull ups, I find that hammers the grip pretty well
Thats the only way I have ever done them
The best grip helper iv’e used would have to be barbell shrugs. hammer curls , wrist curls and farmers walks are all great