I use the 5-3-1 method 3x5, 3x3, and 5/3/1+ and 3 warm up sets + FSL
Monday - Squat
First 3 warmup sets are supersetted with hip thrusters. The working sets are supersetted with face pulls.
Assistance - deficit dead lifts (I’m weak at the bottom of my deadlift pull - trying to strengthen the posterior chain) and ABS.
Tuesday Bench
First 3 warmup sets are supersetted with band pullaparts. The working sets are supersetted with pull-ups (50 in total).
Assistance - dumbbell press and core.
Thursday Dead lift
First 3 warmup sets are supersetted with either hip thrusts/press ups/. The working sets are supersetted with face pulls.
The assistance - front squats and leg-ups.
Friday Overhead press
First 3 warmup sets are supersetted with band pull parts and the working sets are supersetted with pull-ups.
Assistance - Dips and bicep curls.
At least 2 of the remaining 3 days i use a prowler/farmers walk and may be battle ropes.
I’m gobsmacked by the progress I’ve made. I started on the program in July having no powerlifting experience. I started light. Looking back over my notes I was struggling to squat 80kg and I was nowhere near IPF depth (hip crease below knee). I competed in my first local IPF regulated federation on Sunday and squated 150kg and it felt and looked pretty easy. I’m in the uder 93kg class if you’re interested.
If you have any questions about this program I’ll be happy to help if I can.