T-mag has provided great info, and some excelent workout routines emphasizing everything from strength to hypertrophy to well, TC’s rod. However, how about some of us post some workouts we’ve designed that have been helpful in our on training from time to time (maybe they can help someone else)? That way we all (a) have some new stuff to try, (b) might learn somethin’, and (c) get bigger and/or stronger. Since this is my little brain child, I guess I should start.
You can use this on a 5-7 day split (depending on your recovery. It’s for the chest and back. It does, however, have a draw back, you need to use both the incline and decline bench (or I guess you could use chest dips). Therefore go when the gym is not crowded or follow one Ian’s suggestions and just piss on the bench (marking your territory) until you get done, then you can clean up. And obviously it can be modified in order to fit your needs (e.g., more/less sets/reps/rest, etc.).
Day 1 Chest/Back: (A1) Incline DB press Sets: 3-5 (build up to 5 sets) Reps: 6-8 Tempo: 3210 Rest: 2 minutes
(A2) Wide Grip Pull Ups
Sets: 3-5
Reps: 4-10 (then add weight, and use a 6-8 rep range)
Tempo: 4010
Rest: 2 minutes
(A3) That’s right, do these before going back to A1.
Decline DB presses (if getting the bench is a problem use chest dips, the chinning bar and dip station are rarely crowded.
Sets: 3-5
Reps: 6-8
Tempo: 4110
Rest: 2 minutes
(A4) Semi supinated or supinated chins
Sets: 3-5
Reps: 6-8 or as many reps as possible
Tempo: 3210
Rest: 2 minutes
(B) 3-4 sets of some external rotator work.
Or you may want to do this first, I generall incorporate a few sets into my warm up however.