Depends whether you are looking for light or heavy reading and whether you are looking for hands on or academic works?
These are in no particular order:
High Performance Sports Conditioning - Bill Foran (Editor) Good Entry Level Book. Easy read.
Supertraining - Mel Siff. The opposite of the above.
Strength and Power in Sport - P.V Komi (Editor) Excellent reference book covering just what it says on the cover.
(Just realised that it probably isn’t my place to be critiquing these books…but if you have any questions about any of them or want to be more specific about what you are after feel free to let me know?)
Essentials of Strength Training And Conditioning - Tom Baechle
Science and Practice of Strength Training - Zatsiorsky
Athletic Body in Balance - Gray Cook
Programming and Organisation of Training - Verkoshanksy
Fundamentals of Special Strength Training in Sport - Verkoshansky
Funtional Training for Sports - Michael Boyle.
Designing Resistance Training Programs - Kraemer and Fleck
How to Write Strength Training Programs - Ian King
Theory and Methodology of Training - Tudor Bompa
Periodization of Strength - Tudor Bompa
This is just a beginning and given more time I could make an even more comprehensive list…perhaps somebody should make a post regarding ‘What books would you consider only worthy of wiping your arse with?’ or ‘Which books did you find infinitely dissapointing?’…I have just as big a list of them.
Good luck with the reading.