I may have done a post like this before, but here goes:
I am currently living in Canada, but am fully commited to attending a Grad school in the US. I was wondering if anybody could give me the names of some schools that have the better S&C departments and which ones would be most beneficial to attend, when the goal is to be a university strength coach?
There is no school i would recomend they all suck…most the time the teachers who are teaching strength and conditioning stuff are people who run marathons…the trick here is to make connections…and it is tuff to do …find someone in the feild that beleives in what you beleive…then try to make professional contacts with people you would like to work for…also you dont have to have amasters or a certain degree…i have a P.E degree and i worked in 2 division 1 weight rooms, but i still have not found a place that beelives in what i beelive and if the big boss dont like your beleifs your fucked my freind…big martin
I understand that having a master’s doesn’t guarantee me success in S&C. I am just interested in the exercise science field and I would like to have the opportunity to work in an environment that has a nice facility. I know that if I choose a school with a strength coach who is a dink, then I would be severely held back in the application of my own philosophies. I plan to do alot of personal work on the side…building connections, etc. Just was wondering about some of the better strength coaches and facilities in the US.
Big Martin, is Indiana, USA a city or a newly acquired territory? Just joking, buddy, I’m a fellow Hoosier;-) Anyway, your experiences in the Strength and Conditioning field seem to be very typically of what goes on. Unfortunately, many of the head honchos are guys that used to play football and only got in because of who they know, not what they know.
On the contrary, I have had an outstanding experience here in Austin. I work with a strength coach, while getting my master’s degree in Sports Science and Nutrition, that is very atypical. He’s awesome. Not a single day passes where I don’t learn something new and exciting.
My advice is to base your decision on the factor that is most important to you. For example, in most MSc programs the focus is research with the end goal of making you a better researcher. After the fact you’ll have had exposure to the literature in your field and possibly a publication or two. If this is your primary goal then your best bet is to determine which school is best suited to your research interests. You’ll have to figure out which area you want to study in (i.e., biomechanics, ex-phys, nutrition) and your specific interest within that field. Do a search on pubmed to find some articles and then see which schools they come from. Of those you could choose the one that best allows you to pursue your S&C goals.
HOWEVER, if your goal is not to become a researcher you might search out schools that are best known for their S&C coaches. Doing an MSc at that school would be gravy. If you’re not particularly interested in the research angle at all I’d rule out doing the Masters altogether. Doing research when you like what you’re doing is tough. I can’t imagine doing it if my primary goal was to be somewhere else.
I’m doing my MSc now so you can contact me personally for any questions you might have.