While it has been covered in past issues about how to make the best of college if you are planning to go into a training/sports related field, what they haven’t covered is where are some of the better colleges to go to. Right now I am working on my 2nd year in college, but my instructors don’t know anything about up to date training and supplementation. What I am planning on doing is taking all the courses this university has to offer that could help me and get a degree in physical education. After which I plan to get a job, save some money and go to the best school I can get into. The end goal here is to work with division 1 athletes and professional athletes. Any suggestions of schools? Thanks.
So you mean to get a Masters degree afterward?
hey i am planning on doing the same thing except i want to be a strength coach, and through research i have found 2 schools throug the national strength and conditioning ass
they r findley university in ohio and western illinois
Yes, Masters and then possibly a PhD.
I’m in the same boat. I declared a double major, so I’ll probably have an extra semester or two at the most. I’ve finished up the sports management stuff for the most part, and I’m about halfway through the exercise science major curriculum. I’ve been looked into grad schools, too. What I’ve learned is that if you’re willing to work as a grad assistant at some college for 20-30 hours a week, there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to get your master’s degree for free. The only thing is that you can’t be very particular about where you want to do it. For example, one of my profs (one of the few who is actually relatively intelligent) had to go to Northern Colorado for his (we live in Maine), but it was done for free in about a year. I know that AAAHPERD posts listings on its website. You might want to check it out.
Eric, Northern Colorado actually has a good kinesiology program from what I have seen. I don’t know anything about their grad assistant program or their strength coach, but their football team was national champs in 96 and 97 (I’m not sure on those years.) BUt for most, DII isn’t the big time, but like you said, if you get your education for free it is hard to complain.
I don’t know if Kaz still hangs around Auburn. There are nice cow fields in rural Alabama, which is a bonus.
So are you wanting to work with DI athletes in a collegiate setting or are you wanting to be one of the dudes that runs a professional facility and professional athletes come there in the summer? If you want to work in the collegiate setting you better get on your horse here and start interning now in the summer, working with the strength coach at your school, and attending conferences, seminars, etc. Get your USAW certification as well, and also your CSCS if you can. GA positions in the big time are hard to get. You will either need to be an ex-DI athlete, know the coach or another coach that can help you get in, or just volunteer your time and not get paid there (if the coach lets you, which is not always the case.) IMHO, a head strength coach who is going to hire you will look at what experience you have in the Olympic lifts, coaching players, success in the field, what school you have gone to and if that coach is a buddy of his or hers, and then what degree you have. If you have your USAW certification and CSCS that proves somewhat that you know what the fuck you are doing.
If you are wanting to train professional athletes you will probably have to get a job working with say Poliquien (sp) or at another facility being the low guy on the ladder. You may also have to eat it and train athletes for free. If you do a good job word of mouth will spread.
Something else that helps is what kind of lifting you are into and how big you are. I knkow it shouldn’t matter, but who would you hire a 270lb big strong dude or a 180lb guy who just likes to be cut. Also nothing against bodybuilders, if you are one, but athletes don’t lift like bodybuilders, so if they ask you need to be an Olympic lifter or a powerlifter, strongman, etc. I do know some strength coaches only want Olympic lifters and don’t want any strongman stuff at all.
To answer your question there are more things that come into play than what classes you take. As I was told “Go to the biggest school that wins the most games year in and year out.”
kind of off topic. I am planning on getting a masters and PHD in KINESIOLOGY. Anyone now any good schools for this. BTW my goal is to be a prof.
Im currently at UNC greensboro majoring in exercise phisiology and fitness leadership hope fully to become a strength coach eventually we have a big health and human performance program with exercise physiology u should check it out
check out the www.nsca-lift.org and check out accredeted schools, i am right now playing baseball at a juco and have decided to play baseball at a nsca accredeted school i am choosing between findley university in ohio, and western illinois,