Does anyone know of a good ART provider in the CHICAGO area? Irondoc, you seem to know a good ART provider in every area. There are tons of people in Chicago, so there must be a one somewhere nearby? I went to the ART website and saw some in the burbs. If they are good I will pay them a visit, otherwise I need some recommendations…thanks!
Look for Dr. Larry Subolick. He’s a chiropractor with a lot of experience. I’m not sure if I spelled his name right. He’s treated at 8-9 Ironman races in Hawaii.
You may want to look up Dr. Mike Hartle, he is in Indiana, recommended to me by Poliquin.
Hey Gman where do you live? Suburbs or the city? I live in Arlington Heights and there is an ART near me I could possibly hook you up with.
Thanks for the replies. I did find
Dr. Larry Svihlik. He is actually the cloest one to me in the Provider search.
As for the Doctor in Arlington Heights, I think you are talking about Joseph Vistitsky. If so, that was the one I was interest in when searching in the Provider’s section. DanK, has he treated you?