Hi Thibs!
I’ve been an on and off lurker on these boards for some time and I must thank you for reopening your forum. It’s by far the most enlightening read on the site.
Now, if I remember correctly I think you’ve mentioned that you used to play quite a lot of golf. So with spring and the golf season coming up here in Sweden I thought I should ask you on how you would train a long driver (basically just how to increase distance).
If I would design it myself it would look something like this…
STRENGTH TEMPLATE: Just along the lines you preach. Something like HP-mass or strength/explosive-oriented layers. Focus on lifts such as: High-pulls, MP (or push press), Front squat, some kind of benching.
GOLF SPECIFIC (excluding practice of the “regular” game): Inspired of what I read that you suggested on sprinting…
Overspeed swings 5 reps(no clubhead, just swinging a shaft, no ball is hit)
Regular swings 5 reps (no ball is hit)
Weighted swings 5 reps (not weighted too much though, no ball is hit)
Regular swings 5 reps (ball is actually hit)
Then repeating that sequence a few times depending on how you feel that day.
What do you think of that draft of a plan? How would you do it?
Really looking to improve distance this year, hopefully to around 330 yds.
How is your game now by the way, any time to play atm?