Going Beltless Confusion

I have been following with great interest Paul Chek’s series on “going beltless”. I understand the necessity of activating the TVA and IO by drawing the umbilicus toward the spine. My question is: is the trainee to ALSO tighten the external oblique and rectus abdominis, i.e., “tighten the gut”, simultaneously while performing, say, a squat? Also, I find it much easier to sense activation of the TVA and IO when I do NOT take
in a full breath. So, in a sentence, is the trainee to, in the order stated, take in a nearly full breath, suck the umbilicus toward the spine and then tighten the abdominals while performing squats, deadlifts, heavy
bent over rows, etc?

Learn to take in short deep breaths while squatting or performing
deadlifts. Basically you should always keep a certain amount of air
in your lungs at all times. The more you breathe deeply, (fill your
lungs maximally with air) the more difficult it is to draw your
umbilicus toward the spine. Practice by breathing in deeply, keep your
ribs fixed as much as possible, slowly breathe out while simultaneously
activating your TVA and IO. Don’t worry about drawing in your umbilicus. Make sure your TVA and IO are really tense. Your diaphram plus your Abs help maintain IAP (interabdominal pressure).
Personally, I try to push out my internal organs while holding air in my lungs and controlling my diaphram. This works for me (activating your TVA pushes your viscera upwards - so mentally when I say to myself push out, my TVA’s fire while simulteaneously drawing in air). It takes awhile to find your optimal volume/pressure internally. Lift a heavy weight with one hand and use other hand to touch your WHOLE abdominal region is. If it’s damn tight around the sides, up the top and near the umbilicus then your everything is OK. Hope this helps.