Glute Question

Hi i would like to know what is the best rotine for trainig my legs and glutes to maximum grow… i’m 1,62m and 58kg! 16% BF and i train since 16years… i’m 26! i train 5x week …

Thanks a lot

Squats and deads. Glute bridges, reverse hypers, hip thrusts for assistance.

I have not always had large glutes and thighs, but they are definitely the most prominent muscles of my physique now.

I’ve never trained specifically for big thighs or glutes, but it just happened from training. What I’ve done is really just train to get a big squat and a big front squat. The stronger I’ve gotten, the bigger my thighs and hips have grown.

Also some accessory movements that work well:
-deep Bulgarian split squats (I actually prefer doing them in a smith machine) really target my glutes well.
-Romanian Deadlifts
-Glute Ham Raises
-Leg Press, going for very high reps and heavy partials. From 30-50 reps with a relatively medium to heavy weight.

As far as programming, anything that will build your lifts up in terms of strength will work. Honestly, nothing beats barbell squats and getting very strong at them.

[quote]claudiadavo wrote:
Hi i would like to know what is the best rotine for trainig my legs and glutes to maximum grow… i’m 1,62m and 58kg! 16% BF and i train since 16years… i’m 26! i train 5x week[/quote]
What does your training look like now?

This is a pretty intense 4-week specialization plan for legs:

Doing that for a month and then going back to your regular training should help.

For glutes, check out our new article! 4 Myths About Female Glute Training

Lots of good advice in our women’s forum too: