Rate my workout plan for glute growth at home

Hi guys! I’m new here, and I wanted to get advice and suggestions about my workout plan. My goal is to grow my glutes at home. When I walk I have this weird shape that it looks like on the sides there is no glute (I don’t have hip dips), so I think I should grow my glute medius. Is this workout plan 3 times a week okay?

Warm-Up (5 minutes)

  1. Glute Activation Bridge with Resistance Band: 15-20 reps.

  2. Standing Band Lateral Steps: 30 seconds each direction.

  3. Kickbacks without Weights: 10 slow reps per leg.

Main Routine (40-50 minutes)

  1. Weighted Hip Thrusts with Band: 12-15 reps | 3 sets.

  2. Quadruped Kickbacks with Band and Ankle Weights: 12-15 reps per leg | 3 sets.

  3. Elevated Glute Bridge with Abductions: 15 bridges + 10 abductions | 3 sets.

  4. Bulgarian Split Squats (Replaces Standing Hip Abductions): 10-12 reps per leg | 3 sets.

  5. Reverse Lunge to Step-Up: 10-12 reps per leg | 3 sets.

Cool-Down (5-7 minutes)

  1. Figure-4 Stretch: 1 minute per leg.

  2. Pigeon Pose: 1 minute per side.

  3. Seated Forward Fold: Hold for 1 minute

Female? What’s your training experience? Do you have access to a traditional gym? Any glute training I would want to see a loaded barbell squat as a top priority followed by the accessory workouts you show.


Without asking for pictures (lol), I’d just say that you should be working to train the entire glute muscle, including the medius.

I’d also recommend getting good Quad and Hamstring work in so you dont look like a peach walking on toothpicks… not a great look.

P.S ChatGPT is hit or miss when it comes to training advice. The warm up is fine, exercises are fine (add Squats, SLDLs, and Pull Throughs, though) but cooldown is unnecessary.
Good for keeping flexibility, but unnecessary.