Hi guys! I’m new here, and I wanted to get advice and suggestions about my workout plan. My goal is to grow my glutes at home. When I walk I have this weird shape that it looks like on the sides there is no glute (I don’t have hip dips), so I think I should grow my glute medius. Is this workout plan 3 times a week okay?
Warm-Up (5 minutes)
Glute Activation Bridge with Resistance Band: 15-20 reps.
Standing Band Lateral Steps: 30 seconds each direction.
Kickbacks without Weights: 10 slow reps per leg.
Main Routine (40-50 minutes)
Weighted Hip Thrusts with Band: 12-15 reps | 3 sets.
Quadruped Kickbacks with Band and Ankle Weights: 12-15 reps per leg | 3 sets.
Elevated Glute Bridge with Abductions: 15 bridges + 10 abductions | 3 sets.
Bulgarian Split Squats (Replaces Standing Hip Abductions): 10-12 reps per leg | 3 sets.
Reverse Lunge to Step-Up: 10-12 reps per leg | 3 sets.
Cool-Down (5-7 minutes)
Figure-4 Stretch: 1 minute per leg.
Pigeon Pose: 1 minute per side.
Seated Forward Fold: Hold for 1 minute