id like to start utilizing GHRs to strengthen my hamstrings. unfortunately, i don?t have access to a GHR apparatus.
I have tried performing them by having someone hold my ankles, but i can only do ~1rep! i would like to somehow lower the resistance and slowly buildup the number of reps i can do. does anyone have any ideas on how to lower the resistance and perform these without a GHR apparartus? many thanks!
Do you have access to a lat pulldown machine? If so, you can sit on it backwards (knees on the seat pad) and place your ankles under the thigh pad. Put a bench, Swiss ball or something in front of you that you can use to catch your fall when your strength gives out. Then, push yourself back up.
I just use bodyweight for these; however, depending on strength, I’ve heard some people use the rope attachment (holding onto it)and set the weight stack at a small amt. of weight to counterbalance you.
[quote]Gorichen wrote:
id like to start utilizing GHRs to strengthen my hamstrings. unfortunately, i don?t have access to a GHR apparatus.
I have tried performing them by having someone hold my ankles, but i can only do ~1rep! i would like to somehow lower the resistance and slowly buildup the number of reps i can do. does anyone have any ideas on how to lower the resistance and perform these without a GHR apparartus? many thanks![/quote]
Just try pushing off with your hands at the bottom. That will effectively lower the resistance where your leverage is the weakest. Focus on controlling the eccentric portion, lowering yourself slowly then push of with your hands at the bottom.
Other ideas for lowering the resistance involve having a training partner pull you up partway, rigging up resistance bands to provide assistance, or doing you improvised glute ham raises on an incline such that you are doing them “up hill.” That is lowering your self facing up the incline. I feel the self assisted push of is the simplest and works perfectly fine.
there’s nothing wrong with doing singles. or you can rep with negatives or do holds. if you do that i’ll bet it only takes you a couple of weeks to get some more full reps. for most people getting the first 3 or 4 is just a nervous system thing.
awesome! thanks for the suggestions…excellent ideas. i will try these out and let you know how they worked out. how can a gym not have a GHR!!! i cant wait until i can setup my own home gym.