Lately, when I go out (last 2 weeks or so), I’ve used GHB as an alternative to alcohol (trying to straighten diet out), and I love the euphoria that comes along with it, not to mention I feel like a champ in the morning. Usually I take a cap every like 4 hours or something along those lines (maybe 2 hours and then a half cap), funny story also I Ged out on saturday by gettin my times fucked up and I popped another half cap in like 45mins-1hr. Won’t do that again, luckily I was with buddies who had done it before and were a bit more responsible than me and stayed with me till I woke up (good friends). Anyways, who has used this compound, and how do you feel about it, what was your experience like?
I like GHB now and again, especially after a club when chilling out. Its excellent when combined with sex;-D Just watch the loss of muscle control when taking it. I’ve seen a few people piss themselves while G’d, which isn’t what you want at a party.
Yea, it just got a bit out of hand…I don’t like being TOTALLY fucked unless it’s with booze, I can handle booze fine like that…and I never seem to get TOTALLY fucked like some people. I just like taking a cap and just chilling, I remember grinding with some bitches at a club on G on saturday and had a raging hard on, it was fucking weird. Have you noticed any sides with it?
Just be careful with the stuff man. I had a close friend that almost died when preparing for a contest doing the same thing. I personally wouldn’t touch the stuff, but to each his own.
[quote]TDog305 wrote:
Just be careful with the stuff man. I had a close friend that almost died when preparing for a contest doing the same thing. I personally wouldn’t touch the stuff, but to each his own.[/quote]
I’m sorry to hear that man. What went wrong? Was he mixing substances or something or just take way too much?
I once did something similar and took more too early into my first lot.
It made me throw up big style!
The trouble is I liked it that much I went into the toilet and drank 2 pints of water, stuck my fingers down my throat and did it again! Drugs hey!
[quote]X-Factor wrote:
Yea, it just got a bit out of hand…I don’t like being TOTALLY fucked unless it’s with booze, I can handle booze fine like that…and I never seem to get TOTALLY fucked like some people. I just like taking a cap and just chilling, I remember grinding with some bitches at a club on G on saturday and had a raging hard on, it was fucking weird. Have you noticed any sides with it?[/quote]
I’ve not noticed many sides with it at all, apart from raging hard ons and feeling a little nauseous from time to time. As you say, it’s good to have your friends near so that you can look after one another, but that applies to most recreational drugs. Most of the people I’ve seen having bad trips on GHB have been drinking as well, which is a big no-no.
[quote]X-Factor wrote:
I’m sorry to hear that man. What went wrong? Was he mixing substances or something or just take way too much?[/quote]
He took too much. His girlfriend found him out cold on the bathroom floor (he was getting ready to go out clubbing). More and more I have become of the mindset that a true bodybuilding lifestyle and clubbing just don’t mix.
Me personally, I have no problem going to bars and clubs, popping 2-3 Spike and drinking water all night.
But, if you are one of those guys that really needs a buzz when you go out, I just caution you to use it very carefully.
Please, please, PLEASE be aware that the difference between a fun dose of GHB and a lethal one is microscopic.
You must also NEVER mix it with any alcohol at all.
Other than that, have fun.
How are you supposed to tell how much you can take? It sounds fun, but pretty dangerous. Some guy just OD’d on it at a party I was at.
[quote]TVG wrote:
How are you supposed to tell how much you can take? It sounds fun, but pretty dangerous. Some guy just OD’d on it at a party I was at. [/quote]
Low dose is between .5g and 1.5g.
Moderate dose is between 1g and 2.5g
High dose 2.5g+.
Dose amounts are dependent on your size. Space out each dose every 4 hours. GHB will peak approx one hour after dose. Remember that reactions differ from person to person so always start on a low dose to help work out your optimum dose amount. Concentrations may differ from product to product, so again a low dose approach is preferable. GHB breaks down into CO2 and water and should leave no toxic metabolites in your body.
wasn’t this stuff called RAVE ? for clubbers ??
how does one get the stuff these days anyway? I very intrigued by idea of not drinking anymore when going out
[quote]2ms wrote:
how does one get the stuff these days anyway? I very intrigued by idea of not drinking anymore when going out[/quote]
take all the various cleaners under your sink, mix them and drink.
that stuff’s a foul fucking toxin - all my career as a druggie (12 years) i never touched that shite after seeing enough fucked up people at parties after they’d shit themselves in the corner.
and for the record - ravers did Ecstacy (not this, which is what the poster two above me stated).
[quote]TONEdef wrote:
Low dose is between .5g and 1.5g.
Moderate dose is between 1g and 2.5g
High dose 2.5g+.
Can you really trust drug dealers to get concentrations and measurements right though?
I’ve never touched the stuff myself… but one of my buddies OD’d on that stuff. I wasn’t there on that occasion, but here’s what my dudes said… 2 E’s (he developed a tolerance with occasional use) 2 hours later… got offered OJ&GHB. Danced like a mofo then felt dizzy. Walked over to a dark corner to recover. The guys never found him until the place started to close and they turned on the lights. He was found in the corner… COLD and RIGID. He OD’d at 22 yrs old.
R.I.P. Jon Miranda
Well, this is like anything else…be responsible guys…I’ve found myself that the reason we take this as bodybuilders is for the aesthetic and social effect, you only need LOW doses to achieve this…I did some research and statistically the only fatal OD’s occur with GHB when mixed with alcohol and/or amphetamines…Apparently with GHB only you’ll pretty much go comatose or pee yourself, it’s near impossible to OD if your dosing right.
I suggest to take a half cap your first time and DO NOT be alone, have somehting with you who KNOWS what you’re doing…look at your watch and remember EXACTLY when you dosed right it down even thats how I Ged out, I guessed my times way wrong apparently I took 2 caps within an hour…it should have been over 4 hours…be responsible…it seems a safer alternative to alcohol when used responsibly at least your organs are’nt gettin fucked open.
It’s really about how concentrated the batch is. I know you can do a pretty simple process to make it yourself in the UK, I’m not sure about whether the ingredients are controlled in Canada.
The problem with it is that it acts on the same part of the brain as alcohol, so when mixed your body pretty much instantly shuts down.
Here in the states its now heavily controlled and much harder and more expensive to obtain.
I highly reccommend it for a sleep aid as it drops you quickly into REM. Plus, there are the “raging hard ons” as mentioned above.
[quote]marathe wrote:
2ms wrote:
how does one get the stuff these days anyway? I very intrigued by idea of not drinking anymore when going out
take all the various cleaners under your sink, mix them and drink.
that stuff’s a foul fucking toxin - all my career as a druggie (12 years) i never touched that shite after seeing enough fucked up people at parties after they’d shit themselves in the corner.
and for the record - ravers did Ecstacy (not this, which is what the poster two above me stated). [/quote]
I’ve seen plenty of people out clubbing who are on GHB. In fact one of its nicknames is Liquid E, because in the right dose it does make you want to dance, and does heighten the music. Personally I’d rather take MDMA while out clubbing, but to each his own.
[quote]TVG wrote:
Can you really trust drug dealers to get concentrations and measurements right though?
In the UK you can buy GBL (the precursor to GHB) from chemical supply companies. It’s sold as a alloy cleaner or solvent. It tends to be 99.9% pure. Once ingested GBL converts to GHB in the body.