Could somebody give me a good routine for an athlete looking to gain weight and strength?
Let me paraphrase Shugs before he has a chance to jump in: “Gaining or losing weight is more about your diet than the specifics of your training routine.” Did I get that right, Chris? :0)
As for the rest, what sport do you play, how old are you, what are your stats, what kind of routine are you doing now? Need more details in other words.
Do a search on the site for “beginners blast program” I think it was a Dawg School article. That should get you started.
If you’re an athlete, then you don’t need to be following a “bodybuilding” type routine. You should look into sport specific training. Renegade Training would do you a lot of good. Check into it.
Program for you:
Day 1: Squat, Extensions, GluteHamRaise, Calves, Abs
Day2: Off
Day3: Bench, Dips, Military Press, Pushdown, Abs, maybe lateral raises
Day4: Off
Day 5: Deadlift, Pullups, Rows, Shrugs, Biceps, Abs
Day 6 and 7: Off
Do Squats, Bench and DLs:
Week1: 5x5, Week2: 4x5, W3: 3x5, W4: 2x5, W5: 1x5, W6: 1x4 and so on or go back to week1 on week6. Always do your best and increase the weight as litle as possible. Assistance work: do three or four sets of eight reps. Save some energy for the future on these. This program will work fine. If u want to be a powerlifter only - do this promram three times and then do WESTSIDE.
And remember: EAT!