While searching through the archives for info on Ian King’s book “Get Buffed”, I saw a couple of messages decrying the numerous typos in it. Is this still an issue with the latest edition?
Remember the fact that Ian like myself are from Australia, and because we like to be “different” down under, we just spell words differently to you Yanks. Words like colour, arsehole, and a whole heap of others I can’t think of right now would be construed as spelling errors (or typos) by most Americans reading our books.
There are a few, but it’s under a half dozen in the entire book, for sure. (I assume you’re referring to errors in say, tempo prescription or rest period, not simply word typos.)
I was one of the people who wrote in about the typos earlier, and believe me, it wasn’t just a matter of differing English spellings. There are typos on practically every page (in the first edition), and they are numerous enough that it makes you have doubts about whether he’s really writing what he means when he puts a tempo prescription or whatever in the training information. It’s BAD.
I’ve also been wondering whether the typo problem has been solved in the new edition. Let’s hope it has. If so, I might actually go out and buy another copy of the book. Perhaps Chris Shugart or someone from the T-mag staff can answer this question for us…?
(BTW, this is also a problem with “The Poliquin Principles”, but in there the errors [not typos] are mostly confined to the picture captions. He has Tom Platz competing in the '76 Olympia and so on. So it doesn’t really affect the training information much, although there are a couple of places.)
I have the newest version and no, it’s nothing like that. There are a handful of typos, but nowhere near what you describe.
Did you purchase your copy from Biotest or direct from KSI? I asked Biotest tech support today about which edition they have in stock but they had no idea (maybe the info isn’t listed in the book).
Well, that’s good to hear. After posting my last message I went up and flipped open King’s book to a couple of random pages and sure enough, there were mistakes on every one of them. Thank god it’s been taken care of in the latest edition.
Is “Get Buffed” that good?? Does it cover all aspects of training (nutrition, training, supplements,etc…)? In short, for a newbie who has been doing this for about 11 months, would this be a good purchase? I’ve READ EVERYTHING on t-mag and not sure if this book will give me more…Thanks for the feedback fells.
Ouster: I got the book from my brother, and I’m 90% sure he got it from KSI. I will post again if he did -not-, but otherwise assume he did. ada: YES. The book is simply excellent, particularly for beginners, but for everyone really. It does an excellent job of teaching you how to -think- when designing your programs. It covers nutrition and supplementation as well, if in a more limited fashion than training. There is good advice all the way around.
If you’ve read all of Ian’s stuff at T-mag and the “Ian King Cheat Sheets” article by Chris Shugart, then I don’t think you’d HAVE to have the book, unless you just have plenty of spare cash.
And I don’t think the book is great for beginners. It has no photos of exercises and few explanations of exercises and some complex terms. Ian assumes the reader has a pretty good base is all.
That said, I really liked the Ian King leg training video that T-mag sells. It’s hard to grasp some of Ian’s odd exercise suggestions by only seeing pictures or reading text. The vid helped me out a lot in the beginning.
What TEK said. At the 1-year-of-training- under-your-belt stage, I would recommend the Poliquin Principles over Get Buffed. But if you’ve read the early T-mag issues, then you already know a lot of what CP says. Perhaps a book by a non-T-Mag contributor would be better?
Actually, I guess I should’ve qualified my ‘suitable for beginner’ statement. What I meant is that I believe the book is beneficial for a beginner in that it forces them to think about the actual construction of a program. Unilateral strength imbalances, periodization, etc, etc. I could see how the exercise description for some of the more obscure movements could be an issue, however.
A little off-topic here, but I signed up at Ian King’s website to receive his newsletter and I just got a some “build financial security” salespitch e-mail from him and his wife. Anyone know what that’s about? If it came from anyone else, I probably would have passed it off as MLM, cause that’s sure what it looks like. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt here by asking about it. I guess to get involved you have to sign-up for a teleconference call happening later this month. BTW it is not excercise related… it’s simply about making money. Anyone else know about this?
I bought the original book and ,beside all
the errors which made parts of it
incomprehensible,it seemed to be a damned
expensive catalog designed to promote his
I can’t comment on the ad that you received however I know that Ian is also has a success coaching type book called Paycheck to Passive that talks about how to revamp your financial lifestyle to achieve economic security. (And if you think Get Buffed had typos…) I know he was involved in advocating the sale of Usana vitamins there for a while as well which seemed a bit Amway-ish for my tastes.
I have had the same problem with Ian’s mail list. It seems as though everyone’s favorite strength coach has a dirty little secret: He is damn greedy! Instead of sending just news letters to keep me(or us if your in the same boat)hooked into his information stream; he successfully alienated me/us from his influence by overloading me with his junk mail. That caused me to sign off the mailing list-never to return again.
If he wouldn’t have sent so much crap I would be much more likely to purchase products from him. As it stands, he has degraded his reputation to that of “greedy profiteer.”
I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained from him, however, sometimes less is more.
You guys need to cut Ian King a little slack! I’ve seen his videos, read his book and attended his boot camp. The bottom line - he knows his stuff. I overlooked a few typos in his book cause the other 99% of the book has some great info - and yes he is into other things (creating multiple streams of income, etc) but who cares. If your not interested move on to the training info offered (usually free) on his KIS website.