I’ve been reading up a lot on Poliquin’s German Body Composition training and have become very interested in the idea. My question is with so many GBC programs out there which one is truly the best? Many I see hit the upper body one day and the lower another, but from what I have read his original plan attacks both in the same day.
So is the original the best program (and if so where can I find it?) or is there better version out there?
[quote]bsurber4 wrote:
I’ve been reading up a lot on Poliquin’s German Body Composition training and have become very interested in the idea. My question is with so many GBC programs out there which one is truly the best? Many I see hit the upper body one day and the lower another, but from what I have read his original plan attacks both in the same day. [/quote]
Poliquin has openly said he is not a fan of full body routines and all da big fellas he knows of don’t do them. This is surprising considering some damn strong men have used them.
You clearly did not retrieve through Google his original program, which kind of sucks for beginners or those of low strength.
So is the original the best program (and if so where can I find it?) or is there better version out there? [/quote]
I don’t think you’ll find a lot of fans of Poliquin on this site OP. If you’re set on doing this routine (and I’m not knowledgeable on it to say either way), you’re going to have to learn to drown out these voices.