I have not had good sucess with low carb diets. Even after months of adaptation. Would the german body comp work with a diet consisting of about 30% to 35% carbs 40to 45% protein 25%to 30% fats mostly Udo’s . For some reason I have it in my head that you should use german body comp with very low carbs.
I’ve had good success with GBC with low AND moderate carb diets. Go for it.
I’ve used GBC with both low carb and moderate carb diets with great success. I say “go for it”.
Question- could I combine the program like this
day one quads shoulders, day 2 upperback hams
day 3 off quads chest tricep day5 lats hams bicep day 6 and 7 off? Or should I pair agonist antagonist day one chest back, day 2 legs, day three shoulders arm, (supersetting each set)?
When I do GBC I do it strictly as Poloquin recommends. I work ALL bodyparts every other day supersetting between a lower body exercise and upper body exercise. You’re not looking to build muscle during this training phase, only preserve it. I think the split you’re proposing might represent a little too much work while in a calorie depleted state.
Will, Can you share the training split and exercises as was originally written by Poliquin or share what you have been doing since you’re following it strictly. The bowfull of jelly article didn’t give me all the info I wanted to know. Short of buying the book, can you share the body comp workout/split please? Thanks