I am looking for general advice regarding the proper training programming for someone such as myself.
Compared to most of you i am fairly wimpy. Im very jelous of people who are close to my bodyweight who are putting up 400lb squats, 300lb power clean ect. Jelous.
I am most concerned with the acquisition of relative strength.
my current stats:
175lbs @ 13-14%bf
actual 1RM’s that i very recently tested:
Squat 280
Bench 215
Deadlift 415
P.Clean 205
Here are some short videos of me performing said exercises.
I appear to be kind of…lanky, i have some form issues and some strength imbalances , my large head appears to want to move around too much do to not having enough muscles around my neck.
I pretty much always attempt to move the weights as quickly as possible on the concentric portion of the lift.
Squats. I have some kind of sacroiliac issue where i have some kind of tight hip muscles and strength imbalance with my right and left leg but its not too huge of an issue if im paying attention to what im doing . Actively trying to spread the floor seems to help this .
Deadlifts. Always seem to be the easiest exercise for me do to my morphology. I just try to make sure to switch mixed grips so im not twisting that spine all out of wack.
Cleans are a fun exercise. I need more practice with ‘slamming’ the elbows forward and am not good at dropping to get under the bar. The prospect of proficiently doing full squat cleans with heavy weight seems unlikely at this point in time. Maybe i just need more chest and shoulder mass to rack the bar onto. I’ve done very little clean grip front squatting .
Presses, benches and rows. I am pretty weak with proper overhead presses. I am pretty weak with pressing movements in general. I think its because of a combo of thin wrists and long forearms presenting a mechanical disadvantage. In the past i have had trouble really locking out and extending on pressing movements, i have been working to improve technique on this .
I added the rows because i will do them fairly reguarly. I will start and end the rep on the floor . Its hard not to whip my head around and have a little bit of hip movement when the weight gets heavier.
I have done forms of weight training for a few years and didnt really keep track of weights that much because i was more concerned with metabolic conditioning and looking ‘hollywood’ and getting my ‘sweat on.’ ect. ect. Which i concluded was probably a waste of my time to an extent .
I am thinking i should probably be doing something like this for a program :
SS for exercise selection + Texas method for weekly rep and intensity modulation. I dont think that my recovery abilities are such where im able to be adding weight to my lifts every other day. I think weekly progress is more plausible.
If you have ANY advice or anything to explain or add, please post .