I’m looking for advice on training. Please only respond if you’re stronger AND around my bodyweight. I dont need another 260 pound guy telling me it’s easy to squat three plates. I’ve spent a few years wasting my time fooling in the gym and then spent two years lifting right and got to a decent place strength and weight wise.
My bests are squat: 245 for2x8, deadlift 405, overhead 135x5, pendley row 195 3x8, weighted pull up 100lbs.+195lbs bodyweight. Im 6’3", normally 190-195 when training. short arms and legs. All my lifts are done full range, ass to grass squats, lockout on everything, dead hang on pullups, etc. I dont really bench much, I prefer overhead. My natural body weight without
Lifting is about 165-170 lbs, so everything over that is muscle for lifting.
Im just coming off a long history of rowwwing, involved in the sport for 10 years as both a light weightI under 160, and a.heavy weight at 195. my time with the sport is likely done now and I think I have a plan for weights at this point, but could use some advice.I think I’ve had it with squatting. It’s something that I have to give priority on every single workout to get strength gains, and it means all my other lifts suffer or only progress slowly.
I need huge breaks in between sets to get the workout, whether it’s 5x5 or singles, and afterwards there isn’t much time or energy for much else. So unless there some epic reason why I should keep squatting, i’m only going to use it as a suppliment once in a while for deadlifts. Never really like having giant legs anyway.
My program looks like this.
day 1
Deadlift singles, adding 10 lbs up to a high single max.
Overhead press, 5x5 or 4x8, or 3x12, not sure maybe rotate
Weighted pullups same rep scheme as above
Day 2
Same deadlift as day 1
Pendley rows same reps as overhead press.
Bodyweight pullups, 3x max.
3 days a week, like m/w/f.
I think this fits my goals of getting as strong as possible for deadlift, bulking more in the upperbody and keeping my legs the size they are now. Ive considered alternating deaflift singles one day with squat singles the second day.
I want to gain back to 185-190 (i’m 176 right now after taking some time off weights and just rowwwing).
Anyways, is this a balanced program for my goals, and for injury prevention? If you have any ideas for something else let me know. I know there isn’t much pressing, i’m open to change that.