I’ve heard twice on the radio now we could be looking at $4-5/gallon by summertime.
that’s insane.
It’s been creeping up here, at $3.63 right now.
I’ve heard twice on the radio now we could be looking at $4-5/gallon by summertime.
that’s insane.
It’s been creeping up here, at $3.63 right now.
*Buy a Prius
I do not understand why gas is going up. What has happened to cause them to go up? A bunch of bullshit talk about “potential” disruptions? When the fuck is it going to be at $1.xx again?
By summer? We’re paying $4.50 for premium and $4.20 for regular here. We’ll be at $5 before you know it.
Frankly both of our cars are paid for so gas prices don’t really have an impact on me as much as if I had a car payment.
[quote]MangoMan305 wrote:
I do not understand why gas is going up. What has happened to cause them to go up? A bunch of bullshit talk about “potential” disruptions? When the fuck is it going to be at $1.xx again? [/quote]
Those days are LONG GONE!
[quote]MangoMan305 wrote:
When the fuck is it going to be at $1.xx again? [/quote]
As soon as we can travel through a wormhole. Until then, those days are long gone.
[quote]atypical1 wrote:
By summer? We’re paying $4.50 for premium and $4.20 for regular here. We’ll be at $5 before you know it.
Frankly both of our cars are paid for so gas prices don’t really have an impact on me as much as if I had a car payment.
Oooooooooh yeah, the whole California thing. Do not envy.
Yeah, we get screwed on gas prices. But, it’s warm enough lately to not need to heat our house so it balances out I suppose. But we also don’t have public transport so we have to drive everywhere…
We have no car payments either, but the wife has a 45-60 one-way commute to work, and that adds up. May cut into our supplement budget, lol
[quote]MangoMan305 wrote:
I do not understand why gas is going up. What has happened to cause them to go up? A bunch of bullshit talk about “potential” disruptions? When the fuck is it going to be at $1.xx again? [/quote]
Supply side:
-Iranian sanctions over their nuclear program
-Saudi Arabia revealing they cannot raise maximum production capacity
-The fiscal problems of the Arab League (which accounts about a 1/3 of international oil exports) is not allowing them to devote as much resources to production.
-The situation in Syria
-The after-math/constant instability caused by the Arab Spring bringing about speculative movements in international crude markets even though only some of those countries have any relatively significant crude production
Demand side:
-China. The demand in China for energy is rapidly increasing following its steady economic growth.
-India, to a lesser extent.
-Overall, the global economic improvement from the global financial crisis is starting to set it and prop up crude prices. This especially applies to the U.S.
Basically, worldwide crude markets are complicated and no one single factor can be attributed to solely moving prices. A combination of some of the factors above has caused the price increases. An important distinction should be made between speculative movements and tangible changes. The Syrian crisis and the global increase in demand for energy are tangible things while the Arab League and other such events influence perception and confidence in markets, leading to speculative trading.
I should also point out that crude prices have been steadily rising since the beginning of 2011.
[quote]MangoMan305 wrote:
I do not understand why gas is going up. What has happened to cause them to go up? A bunch of bullshit talk about “potential” disruptions? When the fuck is it going to be at $1.xx again? [/quote]
Because it is no longer a commodity.
its like 4.50 already here in los angelas
I paid $4.25 for Arco unleaded gas today in the shitty area of San Diego.
That’s cheap as hell. We pay more than 8 bucks a gallon here. Had to go to Bosnia to come anywhere near your prices.
You guys need to chill, Here in Scandinavia we are paying about 8,6 dollars per gallon. People would go crazy if we got it nearly as cheap here as in the US.
We can thank EU and the politicians in Greece for all this shit. I’m getting so pissed of that I’m considering moving to Norway.
[quote]kakno wrote:
That’s cheap as hell. We pay more than 8 bucks a gallon here. Had to go to Bosnia to come anywhere near your prices.[/quote]
Same here in Germany, unless you get it on post.
[quote]PJH wrote:
We can thank EU and the politicians in Greece for all this shit. I’m getting so pissed of that I’m considering moving to Norway.[/quote]
Gas was expensive before Greece fucked up. And I think you’d get pissed off pretty quickly by the rest of the Norwegian prices.
[quote]Rodimus Black wrote:
Same here in Germany, unless you get it on post. [/quote]
Please elaborate.
Yes, European gas prices are extortionate (thank your governments for that) but I assume that in Europe you have a much better selection of diesel vehicles, like mid-size trucks that get near 30 mpg.
I payed 3.19 this morning. I feel special.
[quote]kakno wrote:
[quote]PJH wrote:
We can thank EU and the politicians in Greece for all this shit. I’m getting so pissed of that I’m considering moving to Norway.[/quote]
Gas was expensive before Greece fucked up. And I think you’d get pissed off pretty quickly by the rest of the Norwegian prices.
[quote]Rodimus Black wrote:
Same here in Germany, unless you get it on post. [/quote]
Please elaborate.[/quote]
Yeah that’s true but my pay would also be about 2 times more in Norway than I’m making now here in Finland as a nurse.
Mostly I’m pissed of on EU. It must be the biggest mistake in human history.