Ok, my protein has finally arrived. Now I can get to work. The only question is, how can I make this protein worth its while by putting some mass on me while I’m playing hockey too? What do you all recommend as to which diet I should use? Thanks for any input.
Ok I’ve done a little bit of homework, and this is what I’ve come up with. I need to consume 3536 calories per day(16 * 170 then the %30 more to gain weight) and 255g’s of protein(1.5g’s per lb of body weight) I am at 170 now, so that’s where I came up with those numbers. I’m thinking about using the Chanko diet and now the only question is which program I should do regarding the weights. I can only lift 3 days a week, is it still possible to put on mass w/ that frequency of training? Thanks again for any input I recieve.